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Implementing the New Urban Agenda and SDGs at Local Level: Cases Mexico (San Nicolas de los Garza) and Brazil (Izidora)

Building sustainable neighbourhoods and cities through innovative participatory approaches.
date June 29, 2022 | 18:00 - 19:00
UN-Habitat Arena
UN-Habitat (ROLAC)
Polish, English, Spanish, CART (English)
Arena 18


In this occasion, the event brings together innovative initiatives developed within the pandemic context, that contributed to the localization and mainstreaming of global agendas within the territorial public policies at the local level. These exercises have been particularly interesting due to their efforts and innovative strategies to guarantee citizen participation within the pandemic context of COVID-19.

  • “2030 City Vision of San Nicolás de los Garza”- A long-term roadmap toward a desired sustainable urban future for the city, generated through consensus-making activities between government representatives, the private sector, academia and civil society, articulated by UN-Habitat through an innovative hybrid participatory strategy. This initiative was developed in 2020 and awarded by UNDESA in 2021 within the compilation of global best practices in the implementation of the SDGs.
  • Izidora’s Sustainable Urbanization Plan- The Plan has been developed according to principles of the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, especially, SDG 11, including mitigation of climate change, innovative and nature-based solutions as principles, integration of social housing to the region’s environmental context – being a cliffhanger in informal settlements’ urbanization. The project aims to transform Izidora into a case of success that could be an inspiration to other cities and territories, helping to bring sustainable development to the heart of the urban future.
  • Other initiatives at the local level implemented in LAC for the mainstreaming of the New Urban Agenda and SDGs, that include participatory methodologies and community engagement processes.


  • Present the key outcomes, findings, lessons learned, and innovative methodologies developed within the projects for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, to socialize and promote the replication and scalability of these innovative initiatives in other cities around the world.
  • Generate a debate on the increasing challenges in cities’ engagement posed by current and future pandemic shocks, as well as other crises, such as climate change.
  • Generate a dialogue and experiences exchange on the relevance of developing innovative participatory schemes, that are flexible and adaptable to different contexts to ensure the inclusion of local stakeholders and communities in long-term decision-making processes.

Session speakers

Mr. Daniel Carrillo Martinez
Municipality of San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon
Ms. Julia Caminha
Municipality of Izidora