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05–06 October 2022


Ağdam, Baku, Azerbaijan

The Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda as engines of post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation


The First Azerbaijan National Urban Forum (NUFA) will be held from 5 to 6 October 2022.

It is the first non-legislative event convened by the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, bringing together a wide range of urban stakeholders and participants in the City of Ağdam and Baku to discuss emerging key urban challenges in the Republic of Azerbaijan and show-case international experiences in the related field.

NUFA is co-organized by UN-Habitat and ADA University.

The first Azerbaijan NUF

The main goal of the first Azerbaijan NUF is to exchange best practices and lessons learned in order to advance sustainable development and urban recovery while offering a unique opportunity for showcasing Azerbaijan model of urban crisis response as well as networking with practitioners and policymakers facing similar challenges worldwide.

The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan has prioritized sustainable urban development as an enabler for national prosperity. In the context of the ongoing urban reconstruction and recovery efforts in the newly liberated areas in the economic regions of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur, the government has embraced a green and carbon-neutral approach towards more inclusive, resilient, smart and sustainable urbanization.

Azerbaijan National Urban Forum (NUFA) will be organized within the scope of the 2022 Urban October Celebrations; the 2022 Urban October opens with World Habitat Day (WHD) on 3 October.

The NUFA will explore the contribution of the national, regional and local governments and organizations, communities, academic institutions, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders in working together to create sustainable, carbon-neutral, inclusive cities and towns in the Republic of Azerbaijan, focusing on the urban recovery efforts the country is currently undergoing.

Given importance of the post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation, including the post-conflict recovery, 1st Azerbaijan National Urban Forum will be focusing on harnessing potential of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda in rebuilding livelihoods and returning life to the territories affected by natural and man-made emergencies.

We are confident that NUFA will present a unique opportunity for international and multi-stakeholder cooperation for urban recovery and offer the platform for exchanging knowledge and experience while identifying obstacles and discussing solutions for urban crisis.


Day 1, Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Ağdam city Opening Ceremony of Azerbaijan National Urban Forum


High level representative of the Government of Azerbaijan


Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif

Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme


Special session: Urban crisis response and recovery


Speaking slot 1

Post-conflict rehabilitation of the territories – challenges to overcome and call for action


Speaking slot 2

SDGs, NUA and demining – the intrinsic link peaking


Urban crisis response and recovery in action

Urban cinema – short documentary on Ağalı smart village project and other liberated settlements regeneration


Presentation of ongoing recovery projects in Ağdam city, site visit

Day 2, Thursday, 6 October 2022, ADA University, Baku city

Thematic exhibition

Thematic exhibition on SDG achievements and urban planning practice in Azerbaijan with special focus on the results of the reconstruction activities undertaken in the liberated areas.


Session 1: Environmentally sustainable and resilient urban development


Speaking slot 3

From desolation to green future


Speaking slot 4

Green energy zone concept – towards achievements of SDGs


Session 2: Post-conflict recovery of cultural and historical heritage


Speaking slot 5

How to build a cultural capital: Master planning


Speaking slot 6

Urban recovery framework: historical monuments as legacy of centuries


Session 3: Going smart, going green – innovation in action


Speaking slot 7

People-centered smart cities: meeting socio-economic challenges for more sustainable settlement


Speaking slot 8

Leaving no one behind: gender, youth and disabled


Session 4: Circular green economy


Speaking slot 9

SDGs and circular economy


Speaking slot 10

Modern innovations and competitive human capital


Panel discussion

Localization of SDGs and sustainable resettlement


Closing remarks
