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Build Back Better (BBB): The Case of the Rmeil Cluster in Beirut

Sera Saad


date June 30, 2022 | 09:00 - 11:45 (passed)
Multifunction Hall Room 15
Live Love Lebanon and United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat)
Greener Urban Futures


The training will provide the opportunity for participants to expand their knowledge and gain a detailed understanding of the Build Back Better (BBB) approach to disaster recovery and its importance in the pursuit of cities with sustainable urban futures. This will be demonstrated through the case study of the Rmeil Cluster in Beirut, Lebanon: an area of extreme deprivation that was heavily damaged by the explosion of the Port of Beirut (PoB). The training will be interactive, involving a combination of presentations, discussions and videos. Through the use of the case study, participants will learn how to apply the BBB approach, including through working with relevant stakeholders, upgrading buildings’ structural integrity, increasing resilience against future disasters and designing enhanced open public spaces, which in turn will directly contribute to ‘Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future’.


The training aims to provide participants with knowledge and skills to apply the Build Back Better approach to urban rehabilitation, rebuilding and disaster recovery projects based on practical experience and lessons learned. The key objectives are as follows: -Disseminate BBB key concepts and best practices; -Demonstrate and facilitate sustainable responses to disasters; -Increase awareness and promote a focus on building resilience; -Showcase the challenges and opportunities of BBB application in historical urban neighborhoods affected by disaster. -Facilitate contribution to the achievement of SDGs 1, 9, 11 and 17; -Highlight the importance of partnerships between local and international actors, multilevel collaborations and the inclusion of relevant stakeholders, including the local community, to respond to disasters; -Demonstrate techniques and mechanisms to build partnership networks.

Session panelists

Taina Christiansen
Head of UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme
UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme
Elie Mansour
Head of Urban Planning and Design Unit
UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme
Sera Saad
Head of Architecture and Planning Department
Live Love Lebanon