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The economy of cooperation with the use of advanced technologies. An example of the use of BlockChain

How to build an open and flexible environment for the implementation of innovations, how to help the privileged service to reach the inhabitants who need help and how to use one of the visible technological trends for the development of Cities. All this in a dedicated session devoted to the implemented and powerful BlockChain technology in Smart Cities
date June 28, 2022 | 17:30 - 19:00
Multifunction Hall Room 11
ArchitectsPL Foundation;Union of Polish Metropolises named after Paweł Adamowicz;Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications; Enterprise of Ireland;Caruma
Transforming Cities through Innovative Solutions and Technologies
NE 91


A City, a modern metropolis, is the largest open socio-technological ecosystem whose central element is man and his direct interaction with every element, both physical and virtual. BlockChain is a tool that not only responds to the needs of such a defined relationship, but also allows people to fully reuse all the elements there.

Session agenda

1. Practical use case of BlockChain technology in Polish Cities - Dr Sebastian Grabowski, President of ArchitectsPL Foundation

2. Speech by a representative of the  Union of Polish Metropolises on the legal norms linking BlockChain and Polish Cities - Sylwester Szczepaniak Union of Polish Metropolises

3. Let's discover the potential of BlockChain technology in Cities, such as a panel discussion with representatives of,  Union of Polish Metropolises, The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, the Polish City (Warsaw, Kołobrzeg, Grudziądz), Enterprise of Ireland, Caruma.

4. BlockChain in Poland - summary of the report prepared by the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications - Dr inż. Andrzej Dulka - President of The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications


What is BlockChain technology in Cities, How technology builds the economy of cooperation between the office, residents and business, Blockchain examples implemented in Cities and good pratics for other Cities Model of cooperation in City environment

Session speakers

Mr. Dr Sebastian Grabowski
President | Founder
ArchitectsPL | MiastoMiasto YouTube Channel
Mr. Rafał Dziedzic
Blockchain Expert
Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Mr. Sylwester Szczepaniak
Coordinator of information society and Smart City
Unia Metropoli Polskich im. Pawła Adamowicza
Mr. Maciej Bułkowski
Mr Tadeusz Osowski
Director of the Digitization Office of the Capital City of Warsaw
The Capital City of Warsaw
Ms Ewa Kicińska
Market Adviser
Enterprise Ireland