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Innovative Land-use Planning and Inclusionary Housing Strategies to Transform Cities in the Post-Covid Times

Cynthia Goytia


date June 30, 2022 | 10:00 - 12:45
Multifunction Hall Room 9
Torcuato Di Tella University and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Equitable urban futures
TE 41


Cities are growing demographically as well as territorially based on a pervasive process of informal land development propelled by informal land and housing markets that generate slums, social and spatial exclusion, and unsustainable and costly patterns of urbanization. This training event highlights the essential role that land use ordinances, urban planning and housing strategies can play to reverse this trend and generate urban inclusion and sustainable and more equitable cities. The session provides an in-depth understanding of this process and develops a set of new practical skills drawn from the practice in urban economics, land-use planning and housing policies to support the formulation inclusionary policies and strategies that adequately respond to the challenges that the post pandemic era has introduced in cities. Through practical insights in the operations of land markets and the various instruments that should be used to generate more inclusionary housing, participants to the training session will be more equipped to tackle growing issues of inequitable economic growth and lack of housing. For example, the growth of intermediate cities and their new demands for affordable serviced land that is increased in the pandemic, and how to adopt innovative tools for guiding land use and planning while they contribute to create a suitable land base finance for urban infrastructure. This training will therefore better equip participants to tackle these new challenges for cities in a transformative and innovative manner.


1. The main objective of the training session is to equip urban practitioners, policy makers and advocacy professionals with knowledge and practical skills to address informal urbanization, slum formation and informal land markets through innovative policy, planning and economic and analytical tools in land and housing to generate inclusive and more equitable cities in the post-covid era. 2. The training session provides opportunities to build an in-depth understanding of the challenges emerging with the Covid in the formal and informal areas of cities in the developing world and get familiar with practical tools to unlock serviced land for housing and land-based financial resources that can help city governments to generate socially and spatially inclusive cities. The training will help participants to develop their knowledge on the design, implementation and outcomes of inclusionary housing policies and land use regulations that can respond effectively to the growing urban inequality and social and spatial exclusion that plague cities in the developing world. 3. The training session provides the skills and knowledge to support the realization of the SDG11 and the NUA on the ground by offering a set of practical tools drawn on real case studies that will enable participants to intervene positively in the management and supply of serviced land for housing at a scale in their cities, helping to boost a sustainable and planned urbanization model.

Session speakers

Claudio Acioly
International Consultant and Senior Housing and Urban Development Expert
ACCIONA and Instititute of Housing Studies, Erasmus University
Dr. Martim Smolka
Director of the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy