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Making Green Planning Happen

Kate Holmquist


date June 28, 2022 | 13:30 - 15:00
Multifunction Hall Room 15
International Society of City and Regional Planners
Integrated Governance in Spatial Planning for a More Just, Green, and Healthy Urban Future
NE 55


The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) is a global association of planning professionals with members of representing planning practice, public sector, and academia from all parts of the world. ISOCARP has established a long-standing partnership with UN-HABITAT and is actively involved in the Habitat Professionals Forum. This Networking Event will focus on showcasing impactful pathways towards decarbonization and green urban planning across the globe. This topic will be discussed through the lens of a multi-scale approach that looks at methodologies from metropolitan, municipal, and site perspectives. The three main aspects of green planning will be addressed: ensuring climate change responses and providing climate change resilience; securing socially inclusive modes of planning and city building; and focusing on digitally oriented solutions. Since the event topic is inextricably tied to implementation, three main aspects of contemporary planning will be addressed: structure, regulation, and action planning. This holistic approach will ensure a clear focus on comprehensive implementation of “green planning.” These should go beyond the simple, singular actions of separated groups/authorities and capitalise on reshaping the general approaches to planning, implementation and development processes. The proposed session includes three interconnected components: • Getting the Conversation Started: The conversation will be initiated by short presentations held by future leaders of urban transformation: Young Planning Professionals will showcase bold projects and ideas coming from different continents, regions, social fabrics, and urban environments. • Panel Discussion: The diverse perspectives presented by the Young Planning Professionals will inspire a Panel Discussion involving experienced planning practitioners who will explore implementation challenges and how to remove barriers to green planning innovation impact at scale. • Open Dialogue – Everyone Welcome! Finally, and for the majority of the time, we will expand the conversation on challenges and barriers – and opportunities – and will engage all participants in an inclusive discussion. The format will be highly participatory, with group discussion (in person and online) followed by direct involvement of participants via digital tools to carry out a joint exploration of barriers and opportunities to mainstream new multi-dimensional, multi-scalar, and multi-stakeholder green planning approaches and urban policies in practice.


A proposed session will leverage the outcomes of past International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) World Planning Congresses: “Cool Planning” (2018), “Beyond Metropolis” (2019), “ Post-Oil City. Planning for Green Urban Deals” (2020), “Planning Unlocked” (2021). Reflecting on the results of these debates, the event will frame the objectives of “green planning” and compare aspirations with practice on the ground. In particular, the following questions will be addressed: • How can urban planning and governance deliver the transitions we need? • What transition pathways are necessary at all scales – at the metropolitan, municipal, local, and at a global level? • How can innovative ideas be explored in practice and then be scaled up and mainstreamed in all aspects of planning (structure, regulation, action)? Networking Event Objectives: 1. Raise awareness of the disconnect between aspirations and agendas, and practice in the area of “green planning”; 2. Highlight the interconnection and links between different elements of “green planning”, including climate change response, digital transition, and social inclusion; 3. Reach the decision-makers and organisations of influence; 4. Identify key challenges and recommendations associated with the implementation of “green planning”. 5. Bring diverse perspectives of Young Planning Professionals to the forefront of the discussion, constituting the basis for future discussions.

Session speakers

Mr. Piotr Lorens
ISOCARP/Society of Polish Town Planners
Ms. Kiara Rampaul
University Kwa Zulu Natal
Ms. Bahaa Bou Khalfouni
Gdansk University of Technology
Ms. Li Fan
Technische Universitaet Berlin
Mr. Pedro B. Ortiz
Senior Consultant, Maron Institute of Urban Management
New York University