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Metropolitan innovative solutions, dealing with inclusion challenges of cities

Clelia Colombo


date June 30, 2022 | 13:15 - 14:45
Multifunction Hall Room 15
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Equitable urban futures
NE 175


The International and Cooperation Area of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) is willing to host a networking event at the WUF11, titled ‘Metropolitan solutions, dealing with inclusion challenges of cities’. The COVID-19 pandemic and the health, economic and social crisis associated, have enhanced the existing inequalities in the metropolitan areas and cities all over the world. New social, economic and territorial challenges and vulnerabilities have arisen, threatening sustainable urban future at global level. It has also jeopardized the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, such as ‘1.No poverty’, ‘5.Gender equality’ and ‘10. Reduced inequalities’, among others. Although the new challenges vary across the world’s different regions and countries, providing innovative solutions to face them and transform our metropolises has become an important issue to strengthen. Metropolitan governments and administrations have launched innovative solutions in this direction. Examples from the AMB would be: the ‘ApropAMB Plan’ to support social cohesion, local economy and co-production of services after the COVID-19 Pandemic; or the AMB’s system of investment plans, where the capital city –Barcelona-, redistributes investments among the other 35 municipalities, especially those most in need. Moreover, citizen initiatives in the same direction are also emerging. The event will focus on innovative metropolitan solutions at international level, to foster inclusive and equitable metropolises. The purpose will be to present and discuss on different political and technical examples, metropolises are providing to enhance social, economic and territorial cohesion, as well as to protect social rights and provide a more inclusive, secure and equitable public space. Moreover, it will analyze strategies and actions that are being incorporated to include citizens' interests and needs into metropolitan policies and services. The event will gather political and technical representatives, stakeholders and communities from different countries, to share and discuss on innovative metropolitan examples, public policies and solutions at international level enhancing inclusion and equity. Sharing good practices among participants can facilitate knowledge sharing and transfer, moving towards more inclusive and equitable cities and metropolises, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Five speakers are expected to be invited, to present and debate on metropolitan experiences form different geographical areas’ metropolises and perspectives. The event will include representatives from the UN-Habitat (Mr. Remy Sietchiping), Metropolis (Mr. Pascal Smet), COAMSS/OPAMSS (Ms. Yolanda Bichara), Metropolis GZM (Ms. Natalia Puchala) and the AMB (Ms. Elisenda Alamany). It will count with a moderator and a zero row, with international representatives attending WUF11 (e.g. Rashid Seedat, Director of Gauteng City-Region Observatory).


The aim of the event is to share and discuss on innovative metropolitan examples, public policies and solutions at international level enhancing inclusive and equitable metropolises. Thus, it will include different political and technical examples, metropolises are providing to enhance cohesion, protect social rights, provide a more inclusive, secure and equitable public space, and include citizens' interests and needs into metropolitan policies and services. To such an effect, it will gather political and technical representatives, stakeholders and communities from different countries and geographic areas, to present and discuss on international innovative metropolitan solutions facing inclusion challenges. The key objectives will be to present and discuss on: • Innovative metropolitan solutions enhancing social, economic and territorial cohesion. • Innovative metropolitan solutions to protect social rights. • Innovative metropolitan solutions to provide a more inclusive, secure and equitable public space. • Strategies and actions that are being incorporated by metropolises to include citizens' interests and needs into metropolitan policies and services.

Session speakers

Mr. Remy Sietchiping
Chief Policy, Legislation and Governance Section
UN Habitat
Mr. Eduardo Vitor Rodrigues
President of the Porto Metropolitan Area and Mayor of Vilanova de Gaia
Porto Metropolitan Area and Vilanova de Gaia City Council
Ms. Ana Wanzeler
Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of International Affairs of São Paulo City Hall
International Relations of São Paulo
Ms. Elisenda Alamany
Metropolitan Councillor
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Ms. Natalia Puchala
International Relations Director
Metropolis GZM, Metropolitan area of Katowice