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Planning for a New Urban Agenda

The New Urban Agenda was published by UN Habitat in 2016. It provides a crucial context for urban planning activity across the globe and a delivery framework for the Sustainable Development Goals. The world is changing at an ever more rapid pace and since 2016 new priorities have arisen with the widespread declaration of increasing climate emergencies , COVID-19 and the impact of conflicts around the world such as the war in Ukraine. This event provides you with an opportunity to contribute to the creation of a New Planning Agenda to support the New Urban Agenda in this changing context. You will hear from 5 leading urban planners from across the world and then join participatory groups to input into this New Planning Agenda. This will feed into the work of global organisations of urban planners who are working on the ground in cities across the world.

Richard Blyth


date June 30, 2022 | 13:15 - 14:45
Multifunction Hall Room 20
Global Planners Network
Integrated Governance in Spatial Planning for a More Just, Green, and Healthy Urban Future
NE 180


The Global Planners Network is an international consortium of planning institutes including the Royal Town Planning Institute, Commonwealth Association of Planners, International Society of City and Regional Planners, European Council of Spatial Planners, and American Planning Association among others. The event will explore the future of urban planning based on the UN New Urban Agenda (NUA). The event will take place in the context set by the event held by GPN at COP26 in Glasgow (Scotland) and chaired by the UN Habitat Executive Director which showed how planners and planning system across the world are tackling climate change and working to achieve net zero.

The New Urban Agenda will act as a jumping off point for discussions. It will also act as a way to stimulate delegate interactions and thinking and learning to work collectively together on future policy recommendations. We will circulate an annotated version of the NUA produced by ISOCARP which contains the information especially central to city and regional planners; and extends the effectiveness and reach of NUA and our shared objectives for sustainable development and climate justice. We will then focus on what has happened since 2016, the immediate issues facing planners such as climate action and mega-regional planning, and future policy recommendations for UN Habitat.

The session will emphasise the issues which are relevant for all planners everywhere: planning for and with the people, thus focusing on new forms of participatory planning post-pandemic. In doing so we will be informed by recent thinking such as the RTPI’s Urban Plannng After Covid and Urbanisation (October 2021), Displacement and Urban Planning (September 2021), an especially important theme in Europe at present.

The first part of the sesson (20 mins) will be introduced by 5 keynote speakers from the Commonweath Association of Planners and ISOCARP with short speeches of around 3 minutes each. This will be followed by 50 mins of facilitated roundtables to discuss and debate the above topics, with the intention that the involvement of the audience will producing important feedback which can be used for developing policy recommendations. Beyond our key speakers we will invite a wider group of urban planners from across our network to enable these discussions, drawing on representatives from a wider group of our member organisations. This will enable for tables to be hosted in Spanish, French and Polish where this would be helpful to WUF delegates. The event will close (20 mins) with feed back from individual tables into the main session, setting out the outlines of how urban planning should be operating from now on, at the mid point of the period between Habitat III and the end of the SDG period in 2030.


The objectives of this session would be to kickstart a participatory process to help develop a New Planning Agenda, in light of current crises, which would complement the New Urban Agenda, and provide a road map to maximizing the contribution of urban planning and governance to achieving the NUA goals in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. Discussions will use the ISOCARP annotated version of the NUA to investigate what is missing from the current agenda, and what needs updating given the major social, economic and environmental changes of the last six years. Moreover, it will address the questions: How is the profession of urban planning across the world changing in the light of new policies and new challenges? What tools do we need to be successful? What new skills do we need to be successful? One outcome will be to work with GPN to develop and promote a “New Planning Agenda” as a complement to the New Urban Agenda at this point 6 years after Habitat III .

Session speakers

Mr. Timothy Crawshaw
Royal Town Planning Institute
Mr. Piotr Lorens
Vice President
Society of Polish Town Planners
Ms. Eleanor Mohammed
Commonwealth Association of Planners
Mr. Fazle Sumon
Bangladesh Institute of Planners
Mr. Olafiyin Taiwo
Commonwealth Young Planners