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Premio Hábitat Ecuador: First National Call for Urban Projects with a Focus on Climate Change and Green Recovery: CANCELLED

María Gabriela Aguilera Jaramillo


date June 28, 2022 | 17:30 - 19:00 (passed)
Multifunction Hall Room 13
Ministerio De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Ecuador
Integrated Governance in Spatial Planning for a More Just, Green, and Healthy Urban Future


Several initiatives in the region and around the world have opted for competitive mechanisms for channeling funds to advance the implementation of international sustainable development and climate change agendas. In this context, a mechanism is being promoted to deliver competitive incentives and mobilize funding for innovative sustainable urban development projects that integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation criteria. As part of the implementation process of the National Habitat and Housing Plan, Premio Habitat Ecuador 2021 was launched, this call has been led by the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing of Ecuador (MIDUVI) with the support of the German Technical Cooperation GIZ and UN-Habitat and has a supporting team formed by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Development Bank of Ecuador and seeks to reward the best sustainable urban development projects in three categories. The first call for Premio Habitat Ecuador 2021 was addressed to the 221 municipalities of the country with the objective of promoting sustainable urban development through the design and implementation of projects that contribute to the achievement of the Ecuador Sustainable Habitat Agenda 2036 and the goals of the Nationally Determined Contribution, thus contributing to the green recovery of cities. Premio Habitat Ecuador 2021 aims to provide: - A financial solution to mobilize funds towards sustainable urban development projects with a focus on climate change and green recovery; - A technical assistance solution to strengthen the enabling conditions of municipalities; and, - A space that allows the exchange of knowledge and information on climate change, sustainable urban development and financing alternatives. In order to achieve these results Premio Habitat Ecuador 2021 considered 3 categories: 1. Habitat and territory 2. Climate change and resource management 3. Green recovery, land use and management The first edition of Premio Habitat Ecuador was well received by the country's municipalities. 150 applications were received, of which 89 projects passed to the evaluation stage, the winners in each of the categories were determined. The purpose of the exchange event is to share the process implemented, results achieved and lessons learned, as well as to present the actions being developed with the municipalities of Portoviejo, Pastaza and Mejía after winning first place in each of the categories for the implementation of projects with a focus on climate change and green recovery. These projects’ impact is expected to reach a total of 610,000 inhabitants.


• Position the leadership of the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing oriented towards sustainable urban development through the generation of multilevel and multi-stakeholder governance structures for the implementation of public policies with a climate change approach. • Present the impact achieved with the experience of the Habitat Ecuador Award through an articulated process that strengthens the capacities of municipalities for the formulation, management and implementation of urban development and climate change projects. • Establish a space for exchange that allows the management of knowledge and information on climate change, sustainable urban development and green recovery and generate intergovernmental dialogue and cooperation. • Promote the replicability of the experience through the institutionalization of the Habitat Ecuador Award.

Session speakers

Mr. Dario Vicente Herrera Falconez
Ms. María Gabriela Aguilera Jaramillo
Vice Minister