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Using data for inclusive environmental action

Achieving sustainable urbanisation and reducing global emissions require rapid and radical decarbonisation technologies and inclusive processes, especially in cities. This session aims to open the debate on the need for cities to invest in integrated environmental and climate action following data-driven approaches and technological developments that put citizens in the centre of the solutions.

Daniela Torres


date June 27, 2022 | 16:00 - 17:30 (passed)
Multifunction Hall Room 14
Google & ICLEI Europe
Transforming Cities through Innovative Solutions and Technologies


Achieving sustainable urbanisation and reducing global emissions require rapid and radical decarbonisation technologies and inclusive processes, especially in cities. Open and just access to green technologies reduce negative environmental impact and improve citizens’ quality of life. To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and the New Urban Agenda, cities need to provide equal and fair access to renewable energy, low-carbon and sustainable mobility, affordable housing, air quality, greener and healthier public spaces. For this, more opportunities and investments in data sources, disruptive technologies and information are crucial to facilitate high-level decision-making processes.  

This session aims to open the debate on the need for cities to invest in integrated environmental and climate action following data-driven approaches and technological developments that put citizens in the centre of the solutions. We will hear from practitioners how data and environmental technologies can accelerate innovation and social inclusion on a local level. 

Cities and key stakeholders will share their experiences in adopting technologies and turning data into actionable insights to identify and implement innovative projects aimed at improving local environmental quality and guaranteeing a just social transition. ICLEI and Google will take the opportunity to present the results of projects under the ICLEI Action Fund and invite cities and not-for-profit organisations to participate in the new call for applications for projects using different sources of data, including Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer


Technology and innovation are key elements to  transformation. With the current global climate crisis and the expected growth in urban populations by 2030, modernising is no longer a mere option for cities and towns. They need to see, comprehend, and act. In line with the Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future theme for the WUF11, this session will talk directly to cities, experts, academics and local stakeholders about the importance of preparing and being ready for what is to come. 

Data-driven action and projects must be taken into consideration for official decision-making and citizens’ daily choices. Through knowledge sharing and interactive discussions, the event will not only raise awareness on the urgency to invest in climate data and innovative technologies but also answer the questions raised by the Forum:

  • What kind of cities are needed to support the future of humanity? 
  • How do we envisage and reimagine the future of cities? 
  • What do we want our cities to look like? 
  • How do data and technology play a role in creating and enabling sustainable cities?

By sharing their experiences and giving examples of how data can improve air quality for citizens or to create decision-support digital tools, our speakers will inform and inspire cities and local stakeholders to transform and adapt, as well as encourage academic research on the topic of the use of data. Hearing directly from data experts will help them understand how to access and use that data.  

Session panelists

Mrs Magdalena Młochowska
Head Coordinator Green Warsaw
Warsaw Municipality
Mrs Hanna Rhein
Project Manager traffic and air pollution control
DUH Berlin
Ms. Anna Williams
EMEA Solutions Lead, Environmental Insights Explorer
Mrs Adriane Nunez Ferreira
Project Coordinator. “Solar Sustainability for all”
Ambiens Cooperative
Mrs Daniela Torres
Senior Officer Sustainable Resources; Climate and Resilience
ICLEI Europe