Powering Young Initiatives | Programme Manager
The Children and Youth Assembly will serve as a space to share, report and galvanize youth action for sustainable urbanization. It will promote participatory dialogue through high-level panels, plenary sessions, training workshops and networking opportunities.
These sessions will bring together youth organizations, local and national government, academia, civil society and the private sector. To strengthen diversity and global participation, the Children and Youth Assembly will be held in a hybrid - in-person and online - format.
It will culminate with the adoption of a Youth DeclarACTION on Sustainable Urbanization.
Powering Young Initiatives | Programme Manager
Kafe be Kafak | Programme Coordinator & Co-founder
Mathare Roots Initiative | Mathare Roots Youth Development Cordinator
Fundación Diálogo Diverso | National Coordinator of Psychosocial Area
SERAC | Executive Director
Fundación Diálogo Diverso | National Coordinator of Psychosocial Area
Museum Otavalango | Youth Leader