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Designing the City of Science - what can the university give to the city? Science as a transformation tool.

Prof. Agata Twardoch


date June 30, 2022 | 12:15 - 13:45
Multifunction Hall Room 16
University of Silesia
Equitable urban futures


The development of science is particularly important in Katowice and Silesia due to the centuries-long industrial exploitation of the region. The region enjoyed two great transformation leaps - the establishment of major medical centres and the spectacular development of culture. In terms of space, this change is symbolised by the Katowice Culture Zone. The time has come to make the third leap - the City of Science. Science is a natural good, more important for the future of the region inhabitants than fossil fuels or the related industry. Science is a public interest and it should address the society needs, also with regard to its functionality and usefulness. However, in the first place science and education are the means to repay the debt to many generations of inhabitants affected by health-deteriorating work, ecological destruction of the environment, wasteful exploitation of fossil fuels and social problems typical for the industrial areas. It’s time for New European Bauhaus. The University should undertake multidisciplinary cooperation in order to diagnose and model solutions to the problems faced by the city and the region. The universities in Katowice and Silesia should be a huge public think-tank serving the inhabitants of the city and region. A fair, eco-friendly and green but also more resistant city is immersed in science, built on innovations and new technologies, grounded in sustainable spatial planning and reliable, innovative economic and financial models. During the panel, we would like to present how the research conducted in our region already impacts its development and the quality of life of its inhabitants. We will present a programme of scientific challenges addressing the needs of region inhabitants, and discuss the spatial and functional assumptions of the city where science is the inhabitant’s natural ally, available and open. One of the concepts will be the plan to establish a dispersed centre of science. The invited experts will try to explain how the functional City of Science should be designed. Based on their experience (Oslo and its university may serve as an example), the panellists will show how to put this ambitious project into life. They will tell about the advantages of building the city of science and specify the related costs.


• Referring to the best examples in the world, which address the needs of inhabitants/local community functioning in the university space (discussion going beyond the infrastructural thinking about the city development). • Implementing the New European Bauhaus concept in the University campuses and opening them to the needs of all inhabitants, not only the academic community. Making science handy, available on a daily basis, thanks to the ease of experiencing it. • Designing a dispersed centre of science in the city • Integrating the activities of academic communities to the benefit of the inhabitants. • Diagnosing the needs which should be addressed by the university space in locations such as Metropolis GZM and transforming region (fair city).

Session panelists

Prof. Ryszard Koziołek
Rector of the University of Silesia
University of Silesia
Dr. Marcin Krupa
City of Katowice
Prof. Michael Matlosz
Ms. Christine Wergeland Sørbye
Oslo Science City
Prof. Grzegorz Sierpiński
Head of Department of Transport Systems, Traffic Engineering and Logistics
Silesian University of Technology
Ms. Belinda Tato
Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Practice
Harvard University Graduate School of Design