Anais Marie
Cities around the world are working and implementing policies to achieve objectives and priorities that have been set locally. In the meantime, national, European and international development goals are driving priorities for the future of cities. How to reconcile multi-scale objectives and priorities for urban development at local level? The RFSC (Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities), and its online tool provides a user-friendly self-assessment method to that effect. Indeed, the RFSC helps cities in designing, implementing and monitoring integrated sustainable urban development strategies and/or projects. Cities can review their priorities in light of the European Framework for Sustainable Cities (and its 5 dimensions) and the SDGs (and their 17 objectives). With the RFSC, cities can also develop set of actions and a monitoring system linked with the objectives of integrated and sustainable urban development. The RFSC is currently an integral tool of the pilot URBACT network on the localisation of the SDGs. By joining this event, you will get a refresher of the frameworks guiding sustainable urban development (the SDGs, and the Leipzig Charter), you will hear from cities how they used the RFSC, and you will learn about the tool. If you are a government official, a policy maker, a city leader, a programme manager or a city practitioner: this tool is useful to you. Join this session to discover how the RFSC supports the design, planning, implementation and monitoring of local projects and policies.
This session aims at 1) presenting the RFSC tool to participants, including background information on the New Leipzig Charter and the SDGs. 2) sharing experience of cities using the RFSC with participants of the training.