Andrés Gumiel Fernández
For some time now, the relevance of systemic approaches and interdisciplinary and the need to promote new narratives and non hegemonic views have been brought to the fore as levers of change in the climate emergency. Moreover, the current health crisis highlights the role of science in society and in the construction of public debate to build rigorous narratives in the face of denialism and populism. The alliance between art and science to involve society with complex imaginaries but beyond dystopia have never been so crucial. Proposed as a tool for European renovation through culture and social innovation, the New Bauhaus has a great ambition and no simple task. In such a quest, NEB reanimates the avant garde design and innovative spirit of the Staatliches Bauhaus and puts forward a crucial approach: the fact that art, interdisciplinarity and diversity are key to address the complexity and interdependence of contemporary challenges. However, such alliences and systemic transformations seem elusive to the prevailing contexts and work structures, rather focused on sustaining linear practices (in sequence "analysis of the problem - project - solution") and still rigid institutional structures. Despite the fact that multidisciplinarity in general —more specifically, of the initiatives in the field of art, science and society— already has a rich history, interdisciplinary contexts are scarce and transdisciplinary structures where to address contemporary challenges in a stable and continuous manner are almost non-existent. The reality is that we are learning to make systemic changes and that implies innovation and joint learning. Responding to this challenge, Nave Futuro at Matadero Madrid is proposed as a stable, interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder collaboration infrastructure to foster climatic innovation. It will work as an incubator of transformative alliances designed so that diverse initiatives and actors can interact in a stable and continuous manner, share a learning and co-creation space as well as common roadmaps and work methodologies. A space aimed at strengthening the relational fabric, characterized by its diversity, distributed leadership and permanent exchange between the different actors. It is proposed as an inspiring context in which culture plays a fundamental role in enabling the necessary citizen mobilization to accelerate the ecological transition. To sum up, Nave Futuro is conceived as a unifying space that ensures the continued and stable work of different practices and diverse communities. A reference space that allows us to work in solidarity, avoiding destructive competition, improving effectiveness and impact. A neutral and hyper political space at once, aiming to reconcile two apparently opposed natures: a platform that goes beyond particular institutional interests and aspires to align the sum and inspiration of others around the public policy of climate neutrality.
In support of the New European Bauhaus objectives of decarbonisation and to help our societies to create more beautiful, sustainable, inclusive urban and rural environments, Nave Futuro at Matadero Madrid: creates a space of research, action and radical pedagogies for the climate crisis where to think and project ourselves as a society in the long term. Home of an already large and diverse community of practice for climate action, Nave Futuro is constructed by its inhabitants. It is a hybrid space that catalizes the work of diferent institutons and agents. It is also a tentacular device that fosters a network of citizen labs distributed across the urban and rural areas of the Community of Madrid, other cities in Spain, the Mediterranean, the European Union and elsewhere.