Rasmus Bering
Young people are often left out in urban decision-making processes. It is especially hard for young people living in marginalised urban communities and slums, to make their voice heard. Based on a number of inspiring examples from African cities, this event will show how creative strategies, such as music festivals, film and TV productions, can be used as effective strategies for young people to participate in urban governance. The event will be conduced as a creative and participatory experince including networking activities, games, inspiring presentations and live performances. The event will be facliated directly by young people from urban Africa.
1) Advocate for increrased youth participation in urban development 2) Provide inspring examples of how creative and artistic methods can be used as effective strategies for stregnthening youth particiaption in urban governance. 3) To create awareness about what young people, from urban African, believe should be the key priorities in the New Urban Agenda