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Sustainable new urban communities that are more resilient to climate change

Sustainable Cities & Climate Change: Scroll of Honor Champions

Donia Rabea


date June 28, 2022 | 13:30 - 15:00 (passed)
Multifunction Hall Room 11
New Urban Communities Authority, Ministry of Housing
Greener Urban Futures


By taking part in one of the “Networking event” events within WUF11, NUCA, along with other city organizations awarded with UN-Habitat’s Scroll of Honor for their efforts to transform our urban areas to become greener and more sustainable, the event will foster wide-ranging discussions between cities of the Global North and South regarding their implemented projects and plans for Greener Urban Futures, and the challenges confronting the cities and the home-grown solutions to resolve them, and how those solutions can be adapted and tailored to a multitude of urban environments.  The different city leaders will showcase the results, impacts, and challenges of the initiatives that were introduced in their cities that 1. prioritised the needs of their community groups, and 2. included innovative solutions to support the transition to net-zero within difficult urban contexts. The city leaders will also present their future plans of investing in cleaner forms of energy, sustainable consumption, and planning more compact and green cities, in order to receive feedback and recommendations from their fellow Scroll of Honoraries and exchange with the diverse audience of city representatives and experts.


  1. Support inter-city collaboration both now and for the future as we accelerate actions towards the Sustainable Development Goals through the New Urban Agenda.
  2. Experience exchange between UN-Habitat’s Scroll of Honors’ winners on the diverse impactful projects that aim towards net-zero emissions.
  3. Discuss challenges that face the cities to achieve greener urban areas, and come up cooperatively with different possible solutions for the cities.

The Networking event will accommodate the below panelists from 5 diverse cities to exchange and share their successful experiences towards zero emission and discuss potential solutions and plans to the challenges facing the cities (to last 1.5 hours and can accommodate up to 100 people).

Our plan to promote this event

  1. NUCA, and the other city organizations involved in the event, as Scroll of Honors winners, will build momentum for the event among various public and private partners. The event organizers will reach out to the Scroll of Honors’ partners from the civil society, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations), and private sector companies around the globe to invite them to share their experiences and recommendations on the transition to zero emission and a greener urban future. Attendees will be participating in the discussion to provide a diversity of perspectives and knowledge.
  2. This will include, but not limited to, international agencies interested in cleaner forms of energy, sustainable urban mobility, etc., international financial institutions highlighting potential opportunities for sustainable greening and compacting of cities, Professional Associations, representatives from civil society organizations, etc.
  3. The event will also be promoted through following means and channels:
  4. Press releases
  5. Live broadcast on social media

Session speakers

Dr. Abdul Khalek Ibrahim
Assistant Minister of Housing for Technical Affairs
Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities
Ms. Heidi Solba
President and Head of Global Network Deputy Mayor
Let's Do it world (LDIW)
Mr. Johary Anuar
Deputy Mayor
Mayor of Subang Jaya City
Mr. Javier Petrescu
Cofounder and Executive Director at Ciudad Eemergente
Ciudad Emergente CEM