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Erbil Sustainable Capital 2050 - Promoting Low-Carbon Urban Future in the Heart of Kurdistan through Japanese cooperation

Discover the Erbil 2050 Master Plan at this Networking Event, a visionary project by Kurdistan Region Government and JICA. Explore innovative strategies tackling water scarcity, flooding and climate change, shaping Erbil’s sustainable future.

Antoine Saurat


date November 6, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Multipurpose room 15
RECS International
NE 15-04


This Networking Event will spotlight the project of formulation of Erbil Urban Development Master Plan at horizon 2050, a pioneering initiative by the General Directorate of Urban Planning and the Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism (MoMT) of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq, in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and executed by the consultant company RECS International. Drawing from the experience of Japanese cities, Erbil 2050 Master Plan envisions to transform the capital city of KRG into a model of sustainable urban development by 2050, focusing on climate resilience and low-carbon strategies.

Erbil 2050 Master Plan indeed represents a complete paradigm shift, breaking from carbon-intensive business-as-usual urban expansion, proposing an innovative approach that integrates climate-action, sustainability and resilience. The Master Plan addresses critical climate and environmental challenges such as water scarcity, flash flooding, food security, urban sprawl and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Water Scarcity and Sustainable Water Use: Despite Erbil’s access to various sources of fresh water, including the Great Zab River, the city faces more and more severe water scarcity due to intense usage of groundwater, aggravated by the influence of climate change. The Master Plan has helped to identify Groundwater Recharge Zones and implement water-efficiency measures, ensuring long-term water availability for future generations.
- Urban Flooding and Land Use Planning: Every year, intense rainfall leads to deadly urban floodings in Erbil, a challenge met by the Master Plan through the designation of urbanization-restricted areas, water-harvesting ponds and floodplain zones. The latter areas are earmarked for conversion into recreational parks, which not only mitigates flooding risks but also enhances urban green spaces.
- Urban Sprawl and Carbon-Free Mobility: Erbil’s expansion through low-density housing and high reliance on individual car use exacerbates GHG emissions. The Master Plan proposed new compact, mixed-use neighborhoods, linked by efficient public transit systems. This shift not only reduces GHG emissions but also fosters a more integrated urban environment, leveraging the value of proximity.
- Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture: With Erbil’s surrounding rich agricultural lands threatened by climate change and water scarcity, the Master Plan promotes sustainable irrigation zones and methods. This strategic move aims to bolster agriculture and secure food resources for the city’s future population, addressing food security comprehensively.

This Networking Event at WUF12 will be the occasion to highlight, share and discuss above-mentioned innovative strategies, proving the shared commitment of JICA, KRG and RECS International to promote sustainable, resilient and low-carbon cities that tackle the global climate crisis.


The key objectives of the Networking Event are:
- To present the updated Erbil City Master Plan at horizon 2050, emphasizing its strategic approach to sustainable, low-carbon urban development.
- To highlight collaborative efforts of various scales of decision-makers, i.e. international cooperation agency JICA, autonomous administrative entity KRG, and local communities in addressing urbanization challenges, fostering regional stability, and promoting economic growth.
- To facilitate knowledge exchange on innovative urban planning techniques and sustainable development practices in hot climate regions among international experts and global development agencies.
- To engage participants in discussions on the integration of climate change adaptation measures into urban planning, contributing to the development of resilient and environmentally just cities.
- To showcase initiatives and global agenda by Japan and JICA towards the promotion of urban management for livable and sustainable cities worldwide.


Japan International Cooperation Agency
Ministry of Municipality and Tourism of Kurdistan Region of Iraq-General Directorate of Urban Planning
RECS International

Session panelists

Mr. Chwas Abdulhadi Sabir
General Director of Urban Planning
Ministry of Municipality and Tourism of Kurdistan Region of Iraq-General Directorate of Urban Planning
Mr. Muhammed Abdulwahid Abdulla
Head of Department of Studies and Research
Ministry of Municipality and Tourism of Kurdistan Region of Iraq-General Directorate of Urban Planning
Ms. Lina Dawood Yousif
Chief Engineer/Urban Planner
Ministry of Municipality and Tourism of Kurdistan Region of Iraq-General Directorate of Urban Planning
Mr. Ryosuke Teraoka
Head of Kurdistan Region of Iraq Office