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Feminist Cities. Advancing Care, Climate Justice, and Inclusive Urban Planning

María Teresa Rodríguez Blandón


date November 5, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Multipurpose room 16
Red Mujer y Habitat de America Latina
NE 16-01


The networking event organized by Red Mujer y Hábitat LAC aims to connect organizations, initiatives, activists, and experts who use or want to start using a gender perspective in addressing urban issues. This event is the continuation of "Feminist Perspectives on Cities. The Intersection of Theory and Praxis" organized by Red Mujer y Hábitat LAC at WUF11 in Katowice which gathered more than 100 people from almost 30 countries.

The networking event at WUF12 presents advanced actions for implementing the New Urban Agenda, focusing on gender justice and women’s rights. The event is based on three topics and the participants get the unique opportunity to meet the initiatives and activists working in those fields, exchange good practices, and critically debate the upcoming challenges. The participants can join one of three working groups:
- Caring Cities: Planning, Financing, Evaluating. The invited panelist will briefly speak about projects addressing planning care systems and care initiatives in cities. The discussion will focus on good practices in developing sustainable (also financially) care initiatives and the methodologies of evaluating and improving care-oriented projects in cities.
- Activism of Grassroots Women Leaders for Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Justice in Cities. The group led by grassroots women leaders focuses on the intersection of gender and the impact of climate change. The invited grassroots leaders will share their experiences in practices of mitigation and resilience to climate change in cities, such as sustainable food systems, land management, rainwater collection, etc. Then the participants debate and exchange ideas for building gender-sensitive programs and strategies for combating climate change in cities.
- Inclusive Urban Planning as a Feminist Issue. The panelist will present how accessibility and safety in cities are feminist issues. The debate in this working group revolves around forming alliances and networks with architects, urban planners, engineers, local and regional governments, and initiatives for women's rights to ensure inclusive and intersectional urban development.

Each working group is facilitated by invited panelists. The participants join one of the groups where they get to know the leading organizations and experts in the particular topic and discuss their experiences and challenges. The concept of the session is horizontal networking where after a brief introduction of the leaders of the group everyone is invited to participate in the discussion and pose questions. The events end wrap-up session of the main issues discussed in each group and the creation of a mailing list to keep participants connected and informed about feminist projects and events.


1. Facilitate Knowledge Exchange and Networking: Connect organizations, initiatives, activists, and experts who are currently utilizing or interested in implementing a gender perspective in addressing urban issues. Provide a platform for participants to share experiences, exchange ideas, and establish connections with individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations.
2. Advance in the Implementation of Global and Regional Commitments for Women's Rights and the Right to the City: Highlight advanced actions and best practices to implement international commitments to improve the quality of life of women in cities. Emphasize the importance of integrating gender justice and women's rights into urban planning and development strategies.
3. Contribute to the Three Key Topics: Caring Cities. Grassroots Activism for Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Justice in Cities. Inclusive Urban Planning
4. Encourage and Facilitate Critical Debate and Reflection: Create opportunities for participants to critically examine the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating gender perspectives into urban planning and development.
5. Empower Participants to Take Action: Inspire participants to translate insights gained from the event into concrete actions within their respective spheres of influence. Provide resources and support for participants to implement gender-inclusive urban initiatives in their communities.

Session panelists

Ms. Violet Shivutse
Chair & Africa Regional Representative
Huairou Commission
Co-Founder & CEO, Safetipin
Ms. Ana Falú
member of advisory board
Habitat Coalition International and CISCSA Feminist Cities