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Green Infrastructure and Nature-based Solutions in Built Environments Collaborative Frameworks to Address Climate Change

Hany El Shaer


date November 6, 2024 | 15:00 - 16:30
ONE UN room A
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
UN-A 9


The proposed event aims at showcasing the work carried out by intergovernmental organisations, multilateral development banks and the private sector to advance green infrastructure and regenerative built environments to address the climate crisis.

Green infrastructure and nature play pivotal roles in combating climate change in urban ecosystems. As cities are increasingly affected by climate-related challenges, integrating green infrastructure, such as parks, urban forests, and green roofs, becomes a cost-effective and sustainable solution. These elements have multiple benefits: they act as natural carbon sinks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; mitigate the urban heat island effect by providing shade and cooling opportunities, thus lowering energy consumption for air conditioning; promote biodiversity; improve air quality; reduce stormwater runoff and enhance overall resilience to climate impacts.

Through an interactive panel discussion, participants will explore strategies for integrating green infrastructure and Nature-based Solutions into urban planning and development processes, overcoming barriers and challenges, and scaling up successful initiatives through best practices and innovative projects. Furthermore, the event will shed light on the work of construction companies operating in built environments and their journey towards nature-positive construction processes.

The proposed topic addresses some important commitments outlined in the New Urban Agenda, such as the commitment to develop sustainable, renewable and affordable energy and energy-efficient buildings and construction modes as well as the integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation into urban planning and construction processes. NbS and green infrastructure will also be considered effective solutions to achieve other international initiatives, such as the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

The panel discussion will invite high-level representatives from:

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the global authority on the status of the natural world. IUCN brings over 75 years of work with governments and civil society organisations in rural and peri-urban ecosystems. Its projects on Nature-based Solutions and biodiversity conservation are being increasingly implemented in urban ecosystems.

World Bank’s Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) that leads the programs on green urban infrastructure, urban nature and urban biodiversity

Holcim, global leader in innovative and sustainable building materials, currently partnering with IUCN to advance its nature strategy. A representative from Holcim will be appointed in the upcoming months depending on the outcome of the application process.


The key objectives of the proposed session are:
• Present best practices showcasing the tangible positive impacts of green infrastructure and nature in mitigating climate change and enhancing urban resilience, in the framework of international development projects.
• Give visibility to the pioneering efforts of the private sector and its role in driving forward sustainable solutions and fostering eco-friendly practices within built environments.
• Emphasize the need for cross-sectorial partnerships, underscoring the collaborative efforts required to effectively address the complex challenges posed by climate change and urbanization. In particular, the nexus between intergovernmental agencies, multilateral development banks, subnational governments and the private sector will be highlighted.
• Propose holistic, intersectoral solutions to address the triple planetary crisis in cities.


IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
The World Bank
United States of America
Holcim Ltd

Session panelists

Ms. Angelica Nunez
Practice Manager, The Urban, Resilience, and Land Global Practice
The World Bank
Ms. Xueman Wang
Program Manager for the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities
The World Bank
Prefer not to say tbc tbc
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
Prefer not to say tbc tbc