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Healthy Cities by Design -- Building a One-Health Future

Audrey Timm


date November 6, 2024 | 17:00 - 18:30
Voices from Cities - room E
International Federation of Landscape Architects
English, French
VC-E 10


This workshop will delve into the transformative potential of urban green infrastructure for healthier and more resilient cities. Addressing the interconnected challenges of urbanisation, climate change, and health disparities through a One Health approach, the Eurométropole de Strasbourg and the International Federation of Landscape Architects will lead a dialogue between cities on the local implementation of the Joint Action Plan (2022-2026) "working together for the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment", published by the FAO, UNEP, WHO and WHOA.

Expert landscape architects, horticulturalists, and public health professionals will share evidence-based strategies and real-world examples demonstrating how nature-based solutions reduce health risks, improve mental well-being, combat health disparities in underserved communities, and can enhance quality of life, strengthen social connections, and make cities more attractive and welcoming.

This workshop is not just about theory. Participants will leave with actionable insights and strategies to champion urban greening initiatives in their own cities, as well as valuable connections with a global network of experts and potential partners. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, this event aims to empower attendees to become champions for nature-based solutions as a tool to advance public health, improve urban living, mitigate heat island effects, manage stormwater, adapt to the increasing challenges of a changing climate and achieve the goals of the UN's New Urban Agenda.

Join city officials, urban planners, community leaders, and fellow advocates for a transformative discussion on the vital role of nature-based solutions in building healthier, greener, and more equitable cities.


1. Quantify and Communicate the Health Benefits of Urban Green Spaces: Highlight the latest evidence-based research on the physical and mental health benefits of nature-based solutions, emphasising the positive impact on urban residents and the potential for scaling and transferring these benefits across diverse contexts.
2. Foster Cross-Sector Collaboration for One Health: Promote collaborative strategies between city officials, landscape architects, horticultural producers, public health officials, and urban planners to integrate health considerations into urban design and planning, ensuring accessible and inclusive green spaces that maximise health outcomes for all residents.
3. Develop Actionable Roadmaps for Healthy and Sustainable Cities: Facilitate discussions on the impact of climate change on health and well-being, sharing best practices and identifying actionable roadmaps for cities and regions to achieve One Health Goals beyond 2030, aligning with climate objectives and prioritising health as a central component of urban development.


International Federation of Landscape Architects
International Society for Urban Health
United States of America
International Association of Horticultural Producers AIPH
United Kingdom
Eurometropole of Strasbourg

Session panelists

Mr. Florian Betzler
Senior Advisor
World Green infrastructure Network WGIN
Mr. Abdoulaye Sene
Global Water Partnership West Africa
Ms. Nathalie Röbbel
WHO - World Health Organization
Ms. Kathryn Moore
IFLA Past President, Director of the West Midlands Park
International Federation of Landscape Architects
Ms. Françoise Schaetzel
Vice-Chair for Operational Planning
Eurometropole of Strasbourg
Ms. Giselle Sebag
Executive Director
International Society for Urban Health