Aia Khadem Al Jame
Learning opportunity for practitioners from different sectors/areas of expertise understand the importance of HLP rights in laying the ground for durable solutions.
The tools, examples and exercises on HLP shared during the session will ensure that practitioners from different sectors/areas of expertise understand the importance of HLP rights for their work. Participants will learn how: - to use selected tools to mainstream HLP considerations across humanitarian response and include HLP in programming. - HLP rights serve as entry point for integrated solutions and transition towards self-reliance and durable solutions in urban responses
-HLP and Displacement: An Interactive Learning Experience (GSC) - HLP Toolkit (CCCM Cluster) - HLP and Shelter – a toolkit for practitioners - -Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (interagency course) -HLP Due Diligence -Guidelines Women, Land and Peace -Advocacy brief from InterAction HLP Conference -Security of tenure in Urban Areas -HLP and Natural Resource Due Diligence in NRC -Training Manual on Housing, Land and Property (HLP) -Training on Forced Evictions