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It all starts in partnership High-impact coalitions localizing the global development agendas in the era of urbanization

Emilia Saiz


date November 5, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Multipurpose room 13
United Cities and Local Governments
NE 13-01


As recalled by Our Common Agenda, achieving the global agendas and boosting partnerships go hand in hand. In the era of global shocks—mounting conflict and polarization, escalating inequalities, and the triple planetary crisis—the urgency to confront these challenges in a more inclusive, effective, and sustainable manner has never been more marked. In our cities, these challenges entail ensuring our neighborhood's rights by promoting access to essential public services, including adequate housing, sustainable and inclusive public transport, open and green spaces, safety and security, healthy and sustainable food, clean water supply and sanitation, as well as fostering migrant urban integration and long-term inclusion.
The SDG Summit emphasized the critical need to rescue the SDGs through policies, investments, and alliances that accelerate implementation. As called in the 2023 GSDR, LRGs have made leading progress through innovative action, recalling that the Global Goals can only be achieved if contextualized at local and regional levels, and by acting in partnership.
Both locally and globally, LRGs have championed the cause of achieving the global development agendas, with the New Urban Agenda as a catalyst and localization serving as the linchpin of transformation. This commitment was encapsulated in the Decalogue of High-Impact Coalitions presented at the SDG Summit by UCLG and the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments. The organized constituency advocated for mobilizing transformative partnerships centered on equality and care to achieve the SDGs and highlighted concrete LRG-driven alliances.
High-Impact Coalitions show the local dimension inherent to the achievement of all global frameworks, fostering multilevel governance and policy coherence, leveraging multisectoral partnerships to address the complex nature of contemporary challenges, and striving for a better tomorrow for future generations.
The event will put the spotlight on the nexus between achieving the global development agendas and the need to build up locally-driven High-Impact Coalitions that advance sustainable cities and communities grounded on local public service provision in an ever-complex global context.
The objective of the event is to showcase and amplify the impact of emerging and innovative High-Impact Coalitions that leverage local action to achieve sustainable development, effective engagement and coordination for achieving the SDGs, and fostering partnerships anchored on multilevel governance and whole-of-society approaches, particularly involving youth.
With the World Social Summit to take place in 2025 as a moment for global deliberation that emphasizes the need for multistakeholder action, the session will harness the momentum around the High-Impact Coalitions to also start galvanizing inclusive alliances to advance a global social agenda driven by local public service provision that places equality, climate action, and peace at its core.


Showcase the impact of emerging and innovative High-Impact Coalitions led by local and regional governments alongside urban changemakers.
Highlight the role of local action in achieving sustainable development, particularly addressing challenges such as housing, mobility, pollution, safety, and access to essential services.
Emphasize the critical need for effective engagement and coordination to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a specific focus on SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
Foster partnerships anchored on multilevel governance and whole-of-society approaches, particularly involving youth, to address complex urban challenges and advance a global social agenda.
Leverage the momentum generated by High-Impact Coalitions to galvanize inclusive alliances and promote policies, investments, and alliances that accelerate SDG implementation and promote equality, climate action, and peace.

Session panelists

Mr. Greg Munro
Cities Alliance
Ms. Brenda Perez
Director, Urban Programming
Habitat for Humanity
Mr. Jonathan Reckford
Chief Executive Officer
Habitat for Humanity International