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Learning to collaborate embracing the role of international donors and investors in in delivering a step-change in the supply and demand of gender-sensitive Green Affordable Housing (gah)

Ian Shapiro


date November 5, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Multipurpose room 03
United Kingdom
NE 03-01


Reall will bring together stakeholders from the public, private and international and local non-government sectors to showcase examples of where international donors and investors have collaborated to deliver a step change in the supply and demand of gender-sensitive Green Affordable Housing.

A panel comprising Reall representatives (a leading affordable Housing INGO) and international donors and investors will participate in an informal ‘fireside’ conversation around the opportunities and challenges for donors and investors to support GAH, drawing specifically upon the 30-year experiences of Reall and its partners in the global affordable housing sector. The conversation will highlight how grant and investment funding can best add value to government, non-government and community-based efforts to collaborate in support of at-scale, green and gender-sensitive solutions for the global housing crisis.

Following the ‘fireside’ conversation, Reall will convene an interactive open forum. This is designed to provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions about Reall’s experience, and form linkages with new actors who have similar purposes. The session will use smart polling and group-based activities to monitor audience responses to the conversation and allow them to shape future priority themes.

Reall will encourage further donors and investors to attend the event as participants, providing further opportunities for actors from the private and non-government sectors to engage with and create new connections with the international donor and investment community. Donors that Reall will engage in 2024 prior and up to WUF will include the Global Environment Facility (GEF), United States Development Finance Corporation (DFC), British International Investment, Global Affairs Canada (GAC), IKEA Foundation, Bloomberg Foundation, Convergence, Hilti Foundation, Laudes Foundation, Citi, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The World Bank, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). This engagement process is expected to result in additional partners and panelists being added to the event.


The event's purpose is to explore what international donors and investors can do to accelerate inclusive GAH at scale.

Reall intends the event to deliver the following outcomes:
1. Stimulated debate about roles and responsibilities for different actors in inclusive GAH
2. Created the potential for new forms of finance to crowd into the under-resourced area of green and inclusive GAH
3. Built momentum for scale in inclusive GAH as a doorway to 16 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
4. Demonstrated innovation and credible opportunities for investment, including using new techniques and approaches such as AI and knowledge transfers.
5. Articulated the space for pioneering leadership into the untapped $17tn GAH sector.

Session panelists

Ms. Mewahib Mohamed
Director of Programmes & Business Development
Reall Limited
Mr. Simon Walley
Lead Financial Sector Specialist
World Bank