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Leaving no one behind, Africa,s journey of localising SdGs

Martino Miraglia


date November 8, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Voices from Cities - room F
UCLG Africa
VC-F 18


Global shocks disproportionately affect local communities, a reality vividly demonstrated by Africa’s continent, where 17 out of the 20 countries most threatened by climate change are located in Africa and climate change already impacts 2 to 9 percent of national budgets across the region. In this context, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs become crucial to reduce the threatening impacts of current crises at all levels and ensure that we are leaving no one behind.
The 2030 Agenda and the Agenda 2063 are extremely interlinked, overlapping in areas such as: human development, sustainable economic opportunity, gender equality and youth empowerment, peaceful and inclusive societies, accountable institutions, justice, and environmental sustainability. Hence by implementing Agenda 2063 Member States will ipso facto be meeting global obligations under the SDGs.
Rooted in the 17 SDGs and in convergence with the Agenda 2063, six key transitions with catalytic and multiplier effects across all the SDGs have been identified: (1) food systems; (2) energy access and affordability; (3) digital connectivity; (4) education; (5) jobs and social protection; and (6) climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Transitions cannot be achieved without effective means of implementation, and SDG localization is recognized as a key approach to delivering them.
SDG localization hence becomes a framework to operationalize the SDGs, bringing also the concept of multilevel governance to the very forefront, as only through continuous cooperation across levels efficient and effective progress on the SDGs and beyond can be ensured.
To do so, Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) and Voluntary Subnational Reviews (VSRs) have emerged as a useful process to localize the SDGs by tracking progress and identifying development priorities. In Africa, already fifteen VLRs/VSRs have been published, and four more are on the way. In 2022, UN-Habitat with UNECA and UCLG Africa, produced the Africa VLR Guidelines, to answer the specific request made by African member States for ECA to produce a common VLR template during the 2020 Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development; and to align the implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda with the continent’s policy priorities and commitments through Agenda 2063.
This event aims to bring forward the good practice of African cities in mainstreaming the localization of the SDGs, and multilevel governance dialogue on the localization of national public policies global agendas. It will particularly discuss the opportunities and challenges encountered as well as how to scale up the process and bring SDG Localization forward. The event will count on different levels of government and actors as well as international good practices.


- To showcase the critical importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs in mitigating the adverse effects of current crises at all levels, with a particular focus on leaving no one behind.
- To delve into the 2063 Agenda as well as the six key transitions identified within the SDGs, emphasizing their catalytic and multiplier effects across various goals and the crucial role of effective means of implementation.
- To highlight the importance of VLRs in localizing the SDGs, creating an environment of exchange between different African cities
- To provide a platform for discussing the opportunities and challenges encountered in mainstreaming the SDGs, SDG Localization, multilevel governance, and VLRs and VSRs in Africa
- To create a dynamic peer-learning exchange exercise involving different actors as well as levels of governance.
- To endorse innovative local sustainable action and foster dialogue on how to make sense of the SDGs at local level and tailor the knowledge to different contexts.


UNECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Session panelists

Mr. Rohey Malick LOWE
Mayor of Banjul
City of Banjul
Mr. Sakaja JOHNSON
Governor of Nairobi
County of Nairobi
Mr. Senya TUNI
Principal Economist, Planning commission
Office of President
Mr. Augustin TAMBA
President of Communes et Villes Unies du Cameroun (CVUC)
Communes et Villes Unies du Cameroun CVUC