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The New Normal - Becoming market makers & matchmakers, leveraging own source revenues - Experience from Mauritania & Senegal

Carlos de Freitas


date November 6, 2024 | 15:00 - 16:30
Voices from Cities - room E
FMDV - Global Fund for Cities Development
VC-E 9


The Nouakchott Region, capital of Mauritania, has worked to systematize its approach to financing urban development, making it possible to attract national, regional and international public donors as well as private investors. This specific methodology, covering investment planning, identification and formulation of priority projects, as well as expert preparation, integrates innovative tools, such as the use of nature-based solutions, aggregation of Climate projects via a regional climate fund and mixed public-private financing options.
The challenges encountered, the responses provided and the opportunities received through the ARENDDRE program (supported by Grand Paris Sud, the European Union, FFEM, FMDV and CIEDEL) will create emulation among the cities, regions and partners participating in the WUF 12.

An introduction will bring forward the importance of a common language and converging objectives between the different levels of government and development partners.
A second table will allow the Nouakchott Region to present a pipeline of projects to technical and financial stakeholders in sectors such as energy efficiency, mobility or local economic development, including the perspectives of youth, gender and low-income communities.
The third table will introduce community revolving funds for housing.

Indeed, financial and inclusive innovation is spreading across West Africa and the session will serve to present an example of housing improvement and production based on a mechanism called a “revolving fund”. The latter provides access to affordable financing for vulnerable populations, excluded from traditional banking and microfinance institutions. Inspired by traditional solidarity practices (tontines), the first rotating fund was created in Senegal in 2016 by the Senegalese Federation of Residents, managed by the NGO UrbaSEN. It finances the rehabilitation of precarious housing in the suburbs of Dakar and is being adapted to support the construction of new housing.
This rotating fund exists today in three West African countries: Senegal, Burkina Faso and Guinea Bissau. The objective is to extend the mechanism to other interested countries in the sub-region, while developing strategic technical and financial partnerships which move away from a subsidy logic and tend towards long-term support.

Likewise, the Nouakchott Region is transforming itself into a national precursor, a "market maker" and a "matchmaker", and wishes to share its experience and expertise with its peers and partners before transmitting it to the cities and regions of Africa. West as part of a future program currently being developed.
This session will serve to highlight the need to establish strong technical and financial partnerships, with strategic alignment between different actors and development of the capacities and skills of subnational governments as well as organized communities.


- Present and discuss the challenges and bottlenecks met by populations and local and regional governments in West Africa in terms of financing urban development and housing (improvement and production), and demonstrate the positive impacts on financing of decentralised cooperation with an impact at the national level (mobility project), and community-based mobilisation,

- Present the revolving fund methodology and operational modalities, and demonstrate by example the creation and implementation of alternative and innovative financial mechanisms for local and regional governments including smart, green and nature-based solutions, with inclusion of youth, women and low-income communities,

- Aggregate expressions of interest in disseminating the methodologies presented, especially but not limited to West African cities, regions and communities.

- Discuss with potential funders and financiers to support these approaches and mechanisms.


FMDV - Global Fund for Cities Development
Region of Nouakchott

Session panelists

Ms. Fatimetou Mint Abdel Maleck
Region of Nouakchott
Ms. Aissata Mamadou TALLA
Federation Sengalaise des Habitants - FSH
Ms. Aminata Baro
CAHF en Afrique de lOuest
Ms. Stephanie Bouziges-Eschmann
Secretary General
Fonds Francais pour l Environnement Mondial - FFEM