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Promoting Technological Adoption in Vulnerable Communities. A Call to Action.

Alfredo Henry Hidalgo Rasmussen


date November 6, 2024 | 17:00 - 18:30
Multipurpose room 04
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
NE 04-06


Technical possibilities have always been the bases to conceptualize the relation between humanity and environment. Nowadays, when the technological possibilities are greater than ever and their challenges to our society disclose new-fangled unpreparedness, a deep reflection about the humanistic meaning of digitalization is very needed.
If technological developments come with ambiguities, since they can be seen both as salvation and threat for humanity, they bring even great uncertainties in vulnerable communities, where the changes that new technological resources introduce can emphasize the socioecological instabilities of a community. In this context, design, planning and policy making face a new challenge: facilitating technology adoption, so that technological resources could effectively reduce both the digital divide and the contextual socioecological vulnerabilities. Of course, the adaptation of technology entails a journey fraught with difficulties, risks, and complexities that all stakeholders engaged in sustainable transformation processes must acknowledge and confront. This Networking Event will indagate how to adequately address the challenges associated with the transfer and adaptation processes within vulnerable communities, to put every people first in our digital era.
The discussion will start from the research project “Design for Vulnerables – Technology Challenge” (, which is implementing ongoing and successful cases of bringing accessible technological resources closer to vulnerable communities, solving contextual problems.
Even if common patterns can be uncovered, the very concept of vulnerability is extremely contextual and the definition of common design approaches for technological adaptation and transfer may become quite arbitrary. For this reason, the panel will bring together thoughts originated from different countries. Challenges for vulnerable communities in Kenia will be presented by Dr. Samantha Winter, who spent last years working with women in Nairobi’s informal settlements. Dr. Ni will bring Asian experiences of digital participation for inclusive growth. European vulnerabilities and digitalization challenges will be discussed by Dr. Cattaneo, with a focus on information and participation. Challenges for Latin America will be presented by Dr. Andrade, who underlines the role that technological resources and digitalization can play in Brazilian urban vulnerable communities. The main input for discussion will come from the presentation of a previous collaboration: Dr. Giorgi will introduce the “Design for Vulnerables – Technology Challenge” research project, which offers a design process applied during 2023 and 2024 in the realization of six interventions in four Mexican vulnerable communities, aimed to facilitate the introduction and the appropriation of accessible technological resources.


For these reasons, the Network Event wants to stress the importance of appropriate design methodologies to promote technological adoption in vulnerable communities, so to reduce the digital divide and contextual vulnerabilities. Based on this, the Event “Technology, Design and Vulnerable Communities” has two main objectives.
On the one hand, we want to share international experiences and reflections that have been generated by the implementation of technology-based projects, effectively carried out with the collaboration of vulnerable communities and aimed at reducing conditions of vulnerability.
This objective is achieved by sharing and debating different points of view regarding:
- the challenges for design, architecture and politics;
- the understanding of how technology can help or harm vulnerable communities in the next decades;
- the processes, products, and impact of best practices.
On the other hand, this Network Event aims to be an opportunity to create a seed group for the generation of an international network of actors interested in promoting participatory planning processes that facilitate the creation and appropriation of projects based on technological resources. For this reason, the Network Event aims establish the foundation for future partnerships and relationship, identifying:
- common approaches to vulnerabilities and digitalization challenges;
- appropriate partners from government, private initiative and international agencies.


Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Università degli Studi di Pavia

Session panelists

Mr. Emanuele Giorgi
Director of Research
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Ms. Samantha Winter
Associate Professor
Columbia University
Mr. Minqing Ni
Executive Director
Tongji University - DESIS Lab (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability)
Mr. Tiziano Cattaneo
Associate Professor
Università degli Studi di Pavia