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Resilience Innovation in Informality through Scaling Entrepreneurship - Launching the Rise Challenge

Join us for a report launch and networking lunch to discuss key barriers and opportunities for scaling resilience innovation in informal contexts.

Namrata Ginoya


date November 6, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Multipurpose room 18
Global Resilience Partnership
South Africa
NE 18-04


As the effects of climate change increase, building urban resilience requires facilitating collaborative solutions across sectors and stakeholders and the range of interdependencies among them. This is needed to deliver climate justice to the most affected, ensure urban equity by integrating diverse solutions while strengthening local capacity, facilitating experience sharing, and securing finance for practical approaches to scale existing solutions.
To effectively tackle the climate crisis in cities, municipal finance alone cannot meet the current funding gap. There is both a need and interest for scaling up innovative financing approaches and instruments that can incentivise diversified sources of finance at scale. This is most acutely felt across cities in the Global South, which face the double challenge of rapid and predominantly informal urbanisation and a lack of finance and appropriate instruments to support resilience solutions, all in the context of increasing losses and damages due to the effects of climate change. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity.
The Resilience Innovation through Scaling Entrepreneurship (RISE) Report, which will be launched during this event, is an initiative spearheaded by the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP). GRP advances resilience through identifying and scaling on the ground innovation, generating and sharing knowledge, and shaping policy. GRP is made up of 80+ Partners that have joined forces to work together towards this vision.
During this event, we will be launching the RISE Report, facilitate an interactive dialogue between key leading figures and organisations working to advance resilience in informal contexts, as well as host a networking lunch for attendees.


The event will aim to achieve the following:
1) Launch the Resilience Innovation through Scaling Entrepreneurship Report, outlining key barriers and opportunities for scaling resilience innovation in informal contexts;
2) Facilitate networking among the participants in the room, ensuring that attendees leave feeling connected with a wider ecosystem of urban resilience innovations, funders, researchers, policy makers, or practitioners.


Global Resilience Partnership
South Africa
Society For The Promotion of Area Resource Centers SPARC
Slum Dwellers International
South Africa

Session panelists

Ms. Sheela Patel
Founder Director
Society For The Promotion of Area Resource Centers SPARC
Mr. Joe Muturi
Slum Dwellers International
Ms. Johanna Granados Alcala
City Resilience and Climate Finance Advisor
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy