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Ukraine Path to Recovery, Economic Growth and Housing Reformation in Kharkiv and Mykolaiv

Thamara Fortes


date November 5, 2024 | 17:00 - 18:30
Voices from Cities - room F
UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
English, Ukrainian
VC-F 5


In Ukraine, the economic and housing sectors face critical challenges due to the ongoing impacts of war. To address these, a comprehensive event will be held to discuss innovative strategies for stimulating economic growth and housing reconstruction. This event will bring together stakeholders to explore new industries, innovative concepts, and legislative initiatives crucial for Ukraine's recovery.
The UN4UkrainianCities project is leading efforts in Kharkiv and Mykolaiv to develop concept master plans aimed at economic stimulation and urban development. In Kharkiv, the focus is on creating a Science Neighborhood, while in Mykolaiv, the initiative centers around developing an Innovation District. These pilot projects are designed to attract new businesses, stimulate the local economy, and encourage people to return to Ukraine. Kharkiv's Barabashova Science Neighborhood aims to position Kharkiv as a hub of innovation and technological progress. By fostering collaboration between local and international teams, it seeks to attract talent and drive urban development. Similarly, the Mykolaiv Innovation District is envisioned as a mixed-use neighborhood focusing on science and innovation. This district will combine the capabilities of science parks with modern urban planning approaches, including new housing models and adaptable multi-tenant buildings. It will feature offices, research centers, and light industries, strategically positioned to drive economic development in Mykolaiv.
The housing sector in Ukraine has been severely affected, with an estimated $80.3 billion needed for reconstruction over the next decade. The event will address not just the physical rebuilding but also the need for a comprehensive reassessment of Ukraine's housing approach, including the provision of temporary shelters, and the development of social and affordable housing policies. The discussions will explore legislative initiatives aimed at redefining Ukraine's housing policy, emphasizing sustainability, resilience, and social equity. This includes diversifying housing models beyond traditional ownership frameworks to access international funding. The event will also delve into the evolving housing market demands, particularly the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other affected groups. Key topics include local authorities' revised housing policies, barriers to affordable housing, and the increasing prominence of rental components.


The event will facilitate in-depth discussions on several critical questions: How can the new Science Neighborhood and Innovation District aid in Ukraine's economic recovery? What legislative changes are needed to support the reformation of Ukraine's housing sector? How can Ukraine balance the need for immediate housing solutions with long-term sustainable development? What are the emerging best practices in addressing housing-related issues in Ukrainian cities? Through collaborative efforts, the event aims to chart a future direction for Ukraine's economic and housing sectors, ensuring a recovery that prioritizes innovation, sustainability, and social equity. Insights into local visions for housing recovery, necessary support, and technical assistance will also be discussed, providing a comprehensive roadmap for rebuilding Ukraine.

Session panelists

Mr. Serhii Komnatnyi
Housing Expert
Mr. Knut Holler
Project Manager
Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe
Ms. Francesca Pintus
Senior Urban Designer
One Works Foundation
Mr. Diego Lopez
Co-Head of Architecture and Technology Unit
Norman Foster Foundation