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Women's visions and practices at the center of post-conflict reconstruction processes to design inclusive and sustainable homes, cities, and human settlements

Inés Sánchez de Madariaga


date November 7, 2024 | 17:00 - 18:30
Multipurpose room 12
UNESCO Chair Gender ETSAM-Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
NE 12-09


This event presents methodologies aimed at promoting gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment in planning processes for the reconstruction of homes, infrastructure, and services, in cities and settlements destroyed by war. In particular, it proposes the design of processes that make full use of women's skills, their capital of knowledge and creativity, from the humanitarian emergency phases, to build, in the post-conflict phase, resilient and sustainable cities. Women’s active participation is required for the recovering of cities from the devastating impacts of war, improving in a holistic way, the quality of the built environment and the lives of all its inhabitants, starting with housing.
The crisis in emergencies and conflicts is a crisis of women. Since the beginning of the war a wave of women, many of whom are mothers with children and elderly relatives, have mobilized in search of safety, in underground shelters, or facing risky journeys, including those related to trafficking and sexual violence, to find a safe place to live with their children, away from bombs and battlefields. Many are the challenges faced: finding ways of livelihood, employment, access to basic services, care for children, the disabled and the elderly, especially, housing in which to live. Many women have become urban animators for the resilience and physical and social reconstruction of their communities because the war is not only destroying entire territories, buildings and lives, but is also tearing apart the social fabric.
Governments are recognizing the value of the extraordinary efforts of women. Ukraine for instance has adopted legislative initiatives for gender-sensitive public policies including gender budgeting, and the need for women’s active participation in reconstruction efforts, through the State Strategy to Ensure Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men to 2030 and the second National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security 2020-2025.
Therefore, if post-war reconstruction processes are also to be an opportunity for profound change that address pre-existing urban problems, and shows the world the start of a new model of urban development, it must start addressing gender inequality in cities.
To rebuild equitable, resilient, sustainable, and peaceful cities, national and local governments, donors, and other stakeholders must put women at the center of reconstruction planning and implementation, recognizing the value and foresight of their thinking about ways of living and designing homes, cities, and territories, as well as their innovative practices.


- Promote an in-depth discussion on the contribution of gender mainstreaming and of the participatory processes with neighborhood women to the challenges confronted by cities in the main processes of urban rebirth.
- Exchange innovative urban practices, in particular on the topic of housing, with participatory processes involving women and youth, which contribute to enhance gender equality (SDG5) and sustainable urban policies for all (SDG 11).
- Refine methodologies employed by UN-Habitat to the European context in three issue areas: housing & livelihoods, safety & security and spatial planning, in relation to gender equality in urban post-conflict contexts.
- Identify support actions (government and municipalities) for the inclusion, in their planning and decision-making processes, of women and grassroots women's associations in the communities.
- Elaborate a checklist of actions and policy recommendations from access to housing, also temporary housing, aiming at stimulating a structural change in urban planning focused on the women’s approaches to the visions of the New European Bauhaus, the 2030 Agenda, and the NUA.
- Define and plan the organization a Gender Expert Group Meeting with the participation of experts and women's associations that will work on gender approaches to urban planning processes that respond to priority needs of housing for the rebirth of sustainable, peaceful and resilient cities that are "women friendly" after conflict, particularly in Ukraine and Gaza.

Event files


UNESCO Chair Gender ETSAM-Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
URBANIMA- LUPT of University of Naples Federico II
United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific
Berdansk State Pedagogical University

Session panelists

Ms. Begoña Lasagabaster
Director, Division Gender Equality
Ms. Tetyana Nestorenko
Associate Professor
Berdansk State Pedagogical University
Ms. Teresa Boccia
Professor & Director
URBANIMA- LUPT Centre of University of Naples Federico II