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University of Plymouth


Habitat UNI

We would like to apply to be part of the Habitat UNI Booth, as per the email of Friday 13th September.
Professor Katharine Willis will be attending WUF and will be part of the launch event of the UN Habitat Global Urban Lectures series as she has lecture in this series. The stand will showcase the research on sustainable and equitable smart cities.
I confirm we meet the criteria as follows:
High-education institutes that fit in the following criteria:
a. Significant work on research or teaching related to sustainable urbanization;
b. No funding available to pay for a booth;
c. Preferably, presence in the Global South or conflict zones;
d. At least 1 person from the university confirmed that is attending WUF12.
Selected institutes will:
a. Be able to schedule at least 1 small-scale event in the booth to present the work of the university during WUF and invite attendees.
b. Leave promotional materials (handouts) in the booth for distribution.