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11–12 April 2022


Belgrade, Serbia

Better future of urban settlements in the context of new public policies in the Republic of Serbia

About Serbia NUF1

National Urban Forum was held in Belgrade on the 11th and 12th of April 2022 with the topic "Better future of urban settlements in the context of new public policies in the Republic of Serbia"

Considering the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland in June 2022, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities – Association of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia, Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Serbia and United Nations Human Settlements Programme – UN Habitat organized the National Urban Forum in April 2022 in Belgrade.

The National Urban Forum, which, among other things, prepared national actors for participation in the world forum, gathered many participants from the public and private sectors, academia, research institutions, civil society, economy, international institutions, and foreign participants.

The aim of the forum was to review key topics and activities in the field of urban development, as well as other policies within the ministry that have synergies with urban development policy:

  • National Housing Strategy,
  • Long-Term Strategy to Encourage Investment in Renovation of the National Building Fund (Energy Efficiency)
  • and National Architectural Strategy.

A special focus within the plenary session of the forum will be on the directions for the revision of the Urban Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, while parallel sessions will discuss special aspects of urban development through key topics supported by the mentioned public policies: Green Agenda and Urban Development, Quality (of architecture) and built environment, and Sustainable Housing.

Special attention was be paid to the role of young people, women, and other vulnerable social groups in urban development, and also to the importance of exchanging experiences in the field of urban development at the macro-regional level, in Europe and globally.

Conceived in this way, the National Urban Forum contributes to the establishment of a broader dialogue to better formulate and implement public policies in the field of urban development, housing, architecture, and energy efficiency, and for the forum participants to gain insight and opportunity to contribute to better formulation and implementation of public policies.

The National Urban Forum aims to contribute to urban settlements in Serbia being as sustainable, inclusive, resilient, and safe as possible, all with the aim of transforming our urban settlements for a better future, which is the theme of the Eleventh World Urban Forum."



Monday, 11th of April 2022

Introduction and Welcoming Remarks (plenary – room Yugoslavia)


Welcoming remarks: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia, UN Habitat

  • Tomislav Momirović, MCTI
  • Maimunah Mohd Sharif, UN Habitat (video)
  • Francoise Jacob, UN in Serbia
  • Marina Ivanović, MFA
  • Nikola Tarbuk, SCTM


National Urban Policy, National and World Urban Fora – a Global Perspective

  • Shipra Narang Suri, UN Habitat


Public policies in the context of urban development in the Republic of Serbia – representatives of the MCTI

  • Đorđe Milić,
  • Siniša Trkulja,
  • Svetlana Ristić,
  • Maja Petković,
  • Božana Lukić, MCTI

Towards the revision of the Urban Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia (plenary – room Yugoslavia)


Implementation of the National Urban Development Strategy, action plans and Strategy revision

  • Siniša Trkulja, MCTI


Incentives to local self-government units and civil society in the area of urban development

  • Svetlana Sekulić, MCTI


Contributions to the revision of the Urban Development Strategy and integrated approach

  • Žaklina Gligorijević, GFA
  • Boris Žerjav, COWI


Discussion on the Urban Development Strategy revision

  • all participants

Special Sessions (parallel sessions)


Youth and Urban Development – workshop (room Belgrade)

  • Vladimir Popović, GI Jovan Cvijić SANU
  • Milica Ristović, Studio Teserakt
  • Antonije Ćatić, Kolektiv Ministarstvo prostora


Towards gender-sensitive public spaces – workshop (room 368)

  • Milena Zindović,
  • Maja Lalić,
  • Nataša Đurić, ŽAD


Challenges and potentials of urban development in the Balkans in the era of territorial cohesion and common urban policies (room Yugoslavia)

  • Siniša Trkulja, MCTI, Serbia
  • Haris Piplaš, Integrated Urban Solutions Drees & Sommer
  • Bojan Linardić, Institute for Spatial Development,
  • MPCA, Croatia
  • Katja Schafer, UN Habitat (on-line)

Tuesday, 12th of April 2022

Green Agenda in Urban Development (parallel session – room Yugoslavia)


Presentation of the strategic framework for improving energy efficiency in the building sector

  • Maja Petković, MCTI


Energy renovation of buildings up to the NZEB standard respecting architectural qualities

  • Dušan Ignjatović, Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade


Monuments of culture, preservation of cultural heritage, authenticity and respect of the craftsmanship principles in the building renovation process

  • Marina Pavlović, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the City of Belgrade


Decarbonization of the building stock sector by applying renewable energy from local sources

  • Dejan Milenić, Faculty of Mining and Geology University of Belgrade


Green infrastructure: The concept and context of urban landscape resilience

  • Boris Radić, Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade


Panel discussion

  • all participants


Local Infrastructure and Institutional Development Project (LIID)

  • Tijana Živanović Milić, MCTI
  • Svetlana Vukanović, World Bank


Green, Livable, Resilient Cities Program Strengthening Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development

  • Tamara Nikolić, Axel Baeumler (on-line), World Bank
  • Žaklina Glikorijević, GFA
  • Boris Žerjav, COWI


Cities and Climate Change Program – From climate change policies and governance, to local and urban climate change actions

  • Dragana Radulović, MEP
  • Laura Mariе, AFD
  • Berangere Mercier, SAFEGE (on-line)


Towards Green Agenda Implementation in Serbia

  • Francine Pickup, UNDP
  • Nicola Bertolini, EU Delegation in Serbia


Making Cities resilient2030 initiative

  • Maja Marković, UNDRR

Sustainable Housing and Urban Develоpment (parallel session – room Belgrade)


Presentation of National Housing Strateg

  • Svetlana Ristić, MCTI


Holistic approach in solving the housing needs of Roma

  • Klara Danilović, SCTM


Social City Concept

  • Dejan Marković, Maja Kovač, GIZ Serbia
  • Anna Kassler, Johan Gauli, Germany (on-line)


The European Union support to Social Housing and Active Inclusion

  • Dragana Milošević/Zlata Vuksanović, UNOPS Serbia


New concepts of cooperative housing

Ana Džokić, Who Builds the City and housing cooperative Smarter Building


Discussion on housing policy

  • all participant

Quality of Built Environment and Urban Development (parallel session – room 368)


National Architecture Strategy – Vision and Objectives

  • Božana Lukić, Nebojša Antešević, MCTI


Quality architecture and built environment as public interest

  • Vladimir Lojanica, Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade


Integrative approaches in the protection and sustainable use of architectural and urban heritage

Dubravka Đukanović, Institute for Protection of Cultural Heritage of Serbia


The role of architecture in achieving sustainable development of the built environment – global challenges and localization of targets

  • Ksenija Lalović, Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade



  • all participants


Eleven Public Spaces for World Urban Forum 11 and Sustainable Development Goal 11

  • Shipra Narang Suri, UN Habitat
  • Jelena Brković, City of Kruševac
  • Tanja Obradović, City of Niš
  • Marijana Radovanović City of Belgrade
  • Milena Ivković, Placemaking Western Balkans

Closing of the Forum (plenary – room Yugslavia)


Conclusions of the parallel and special sessions including recommendations for World Urban Forum 11

  • Svetlana Ristić,
  • Maja Petković,
  • Božana Lukić,
  • Siniša Trkulja, MCTI


Conclusions and closing of the National Urban Forum

  • Francoise Jacob, UN in Serbia
  • Đorđe Milić, MCTI
  • Klara Danilović, SCTM