6 November | 16:00–18:00
Achraf Ibrahim

Achraf is an Egyptian Diplomat with over 35 years of experience in Diplomacy, international relations, international trade, international economics, and economic development. Currently he is The Assistant Foreign Minister, Secretary general of the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development (EAPD), <br>He served as Cop27 general coordinator, and chief of the national organizational committee of the COP, one of the largest international meetings in the world and the biggest international event to be organized in Egypt.He served as ambassador of Egypt to Morocco and DRC.<br>He was the Egypt Chief Negotiator for agenda 2030 and the finance for development process.As former personal representative of the President of Egypt to the NEPAD steering committee, and former ambassador of Egypt to DRC, he has a Deep expertise with African affairs, NEPAD issues and political and economic governance.