6 November | 16:00–18:00
Giovanni Pineschi

Architect, Urban planner, owner in spatial and urban planning professional specialization, PhD in “Spatial and Urban Planning”, holding a Master's degree in “New Urban Policies”.
He has a consolidated experience gained in more than 30 years of professional activity as expert in activities related to the discipline of urban planning; urban and building designer, sectorial and territorial urban planner and urban governance expert.
Since 2016, he has been working at the Department for Cohesion Policies of the Italian Presidency of Minister's Council as a thematic expert in urban policies, dealing with the issues of Local Development and Urban Planning.
He is involved in the design and management of the National Programme “Metropolitan Cities”, which involves the 14 Italian Metropolitan Cities and 39 medium-sized cities in southern Italy in sustainable urban development projects, implemented according to the principles of multi-level governance and integrated territorial development.