28 June | 13:30–15:30
Hon. Camila Crescimbeni

Argentina | Parliamentarian

Camila Crescimbeni is 32 years old and currently one of the youngest voices in Congress, elected at 29. She is the leading party voice in environmental and sustainable development issues and presides over the Population and Human Development Commission. Camila has pushed for legislation to allow legal recognition of Triple Impact Businesses and passed a bill designed to train public servants in the three branches of government regarding sustainable development. Previously she served as Director of Youth Inclusion at the Ministry of Social Development creating youth centers that provide education and social accompaniment in underserved neighborhoods. Camila is a Vital Voice Fellow, one of Apolitical's 100 Young Leaders and a Fulbright Fellow. She has a Honour’s BA in Political Science and studied in Washington and Lee University of the USA and Université Jean Moulin Lyon III in France.