29 June | 16:00–18:00
Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi

UCLG Africa (United Cities and Local Governments) | Secretary General

The General Secretariat includes the Secretary General and staff based at the headquarters in Rabat and regional offices of UCLG Africa. The Executive Committee appoints the Secretary General on terms and conditions, which it determines at its sole discretion as adopted during the Extraordinary General Assembly on November 13, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.
The Secretary General is the General Manager accountable for the accountancy and administration of UCLG Africa. In this capacity, the Secretary General has overall responsibility for the management of the organization and is accountable to the Executive Committee. Powers assigned to the Secretary General are defined by the Constitution and those delegated to him specifically and periodically in writing by the Executive Committee.
As well as leading the General Secretariat, the Secretary General has responsibility for overseeing the regional offices of UCLG Africa including the administering of the organization’s administrative, technical, financial and judicial role, including representations before the courts of justice and implementation of the organization’s activities and programs.