8 November | 10:00–12:00
Lea Ranalder

Lea Ranalder is part of the Climate Change and Urban Environments Team at UN-Habitat, where she works on multilevel climate action, climate diplomacy, renewable energy and climate change mitigation in cities. She has recently been selected to be an expert for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. Prior, Lea worked at REN21, the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century where she led the work stream on renewables in cities and policy. She was the research director and lead author of the Renewables in Cities Global Status Report and led the work on renewable energy policies for the Renewables Global Status Report. She also worked on public support for energy planning, youth engagement in the energy transition and fossil fuel divestment campaigns. She holds a M.Sc. in Environmental Science from Lund University.