26 June | 11:00–18:00
María del Pilar Magdalena Amanda del Corazón de Jesús García y Hernández

Bufete de Estudios Interdisciplinarios AC | CEO

Economist expert in gender, businesswoman in the environmental hospitality and consultancy industries at Bufete de Estudios Interdisciplinarios AC, with ECOSOC consultative status. Member of UN-Habitat Stakeholders Advisory Group, SAGE, co-president of the Constituent Women's Group of the General Assembly of Members, GAP-ONU Habitat, Member of Governing Council on the Huairou Commission New-York-based, coordinator of the Mexico-Peru Binational Campus of Urban Thinkers. President of Focal Points of the Network of Women Leaders of the Asia Pacific Cooperation Agreement, APEC (2003-2004). Technical secretary of the Presidency of the Interagency Gender Group (GIG) of the United Nations System in Mexico (2010-2012). General director of Economic Studies of Banco Mexicano SOMEX (1985-1987).