5 November | 13:30–15:30
Mohamed Elzarkani

Mr. Mohamed El Zarkani has more than 16 years of experience in Local Economic Development, labour market reform, research and innovation, and safe and orderly migration management. Before his appointment as UN Resident Coordinator in Saudi Arabia, he has served as the Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the Kingdom of Bahrain, where he was responsible for providing technical assistance to the Government of Bahrain on all issues related to labour market reform, combatting trafficking in persons, migration environment and climate change, immigration and border governance, as well as migration and development. He has also served as the United Nations Resident Coordinator a.i in the Kingdom of Bahrain from November 2020 until April 2022. Mohamed has also worked with UNDP in Egypt as the national coordinator of a Local Economic Development Programme. Prior to working in the UN system, he worked with Nahdet El Mahrousa, an Egyptian NGO.