4 November | 11:00–15:00
Mohamed Sefiani

SEFIANI Mohamed is the Mayor of Chefchaouen since 2009
Special Envoy for food systems of United cities &Local Governments UCLG
President of the World Forum of Intermediary Cities of UCLG
Former Board member of the World Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCOM), GCOM Ambassador for Africa.
Vice President of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability
Board Member of Regional Committee of ICLEI-Africa& Board Member of Global Committee of ICLEI
President of the budget and finance committee of the Tangier Tetouan Alhoceima Regional Council
President of the AN^MAR Federation of Local Authorities of Andalusia and Northern Morocco.
President of Chefchaouen GEO Park
Vice president of the Mediterranean climate house
Member of the executive board of the Moroccan Association of Mayors (AMPCC).
Engineer in electro mechanics, from Graduate school of mines of
Certificate of training in local governance from the University of Miami, USA.