26 June | 11:00–18:00
Roland Schatz

Global Sustainability Index Institute Foundation (UNGSII) | Founder and CEO

Roland Schatz is the founder and CEO of Media Tenor International.
Roland Schatz is the Senior Advisor to United Nations Under Secretary General. He is also the founder of UNSGII Foundation. UNGSII is leading the global celebration of people initiated by senior UN Executives, financial market experts, business leaders and academicians It is an independent, stand-alone entity designed to raise funds, educate, initiate and support Sustainable Development Goals based programs. The endeavor is to turn the SDGs into reality. Mr Roland Schatz, as the CEO of Media Tenor, the Research Institute of Inno Vatio Verlags AG, has an important role in the global media has over 180 employees and offices worldwide in Berlin, London, New York, Ostrava, Pretoria, St. Petersburg, Windhoek, and Zürich.
Media Tenor is the world’s leading provider
- of ongoing international media content analysis, and
- in-depth analysis of new and traditional global media content.
In 2007, Mr. Schatz had the honor of opening the first Arab Media Institute at Emory University. He has also held teaching positions since 1990 by teaching strategic communication management at universities in Augsburg, Atlanta, Berlin, Bonn, Lugano, and Prague.
He is also a co-founder of the C-1 World Dialogue initiative and is widely considered an expert in the fields of media impact research and German-American relations. He spoke at the 2009 World Parliament of Religions on the panel "Media Savvy: How Journalists and Religious Leaders Can Work Together for Better Coverage. " Schatz also teaches communication management at universities in Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and the United States. In 2008, he was appointed Global Media Expert to the UN Alliance of Civilizations. Aside from his background in teaching, Mr. Schatz has served as Secretary of the International Media Monitor Association based in Washington, D.C.
He is also a trustee for the Education Africa Foundation in Johannesburg, the Innovation Institute in Pretoria, and the Board of E Standards in New York. Mr. Schatz has a master’s degree in philosophy, economics, history, and political science from The University of Fribourg and Bonn.