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Dialogue 6: Greener Urban Futures

Greater investment in cleaner forms of energy, incentivizing sustainable consumption and production patterns, and planning more compact cities, all underpinned by nature-based solutions, will facilitate the transition to net-zero emissions in urban areas. Creating opportunities for the most disadvantage to participate in local planning processes may reduce vulnerability and ensure sustainability of greener solutions.
date June 30, 2022 | 10:00 - 12:00 (passed)
Polish, Spanish, English, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese + ISL [Polish + English]
Greener Urban Futures


The climate emergency is a defining challenge of our time. Experts have warned that without drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, global warming will not be held to the target of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. As confirmed at COP26, it is within cities – which account for nearly 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions – that we must take action to meet the global goal of carbon neutrality by the end of the century.

This dialogue will explore and provide insights on how cities can transition to a sustainable urban future. It will bring stakeholders from different backgrounds to discuss the nexus between science, policy, and global and local climate action.


The “Greener Urban Futures” Dialogue will explore and provide insights on how cities can transition to a sustainable urban future.

This session will bring stakeholders from different backgrounds to discuss current key issues to catalyse climate action in cities covering COVID 19 and climate and health resilience; adaptation and mitigation strategies; resource and energy-efficient standards; multilevel governance and innovative policy frameworks; climate finance; and urban climate science and innovation.

Sub Title

Accelerating urban climate change action 

Guiding Questions for discussions

  1. How can cities transition to sustainable urban futures characterized by net-zero GHG emissions and reduced impacts on the environment?
  2. Can new forms of governance frameworks emerge where national governments provide stronger enabling environments and where cities contribute more explicitly to the achievement of global goals?
  3. What investment pathways are needed to achieve an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future within the globally agreed timelines?
  4. How can cities foster innovations that build on enduring behavior and institutional change that will secure green urban futures?
  5. What role can cities and various actors play in reducing greenwashing of investments which undermine their sustainability targets? How can a coherent policy framework be developed to achieve this?

Concept Note

Rose Molokoane

Slum Dwellers International | Community leader and Founde

Leah Namugerwa

Fridays for Future Uganda | Climate Activist

Sonja Leighton-Kone

UNEP | Deputy Executive Director

Mariana Mazzucato

Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose, UCL | Director

Norliza Hashim

CEO, Urbanice Malaysia, Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Malaysia

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