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date June 30, 2022 | 13:15 - 14:45
Multifunction Hall Room 13
Bufete De Estudios Interdisciplinarios A. C.
Equitable urban futures
NE 173


The event places emphasis on issues of cities of peace, resilience, "sanctuaries" for migrants and their financing. From a gender, intercultural, ethnic approach against racism and xenophobia, age, peace and security, resilience, financing for equality and safe migration. Its horizon is the City We Need, the Right to the City, and a sustainable future, from the role of women in local governance, and emphasizing the axis of budgeting with a gender perspective. Security and cities of peace Latin America has some of the most violent cities in the world. In them, women and girls face a life of continuous insecurity. Women of all ages, indigenous, and migrants face ethnic-cultural hostilities, xenophobes discourses and networks between organized crime and authorities, which limit their access to a life free of violence, their mobility, their labor insertion, and enjoyment of spaces public at liberty. It is necessary to break this dynamic by implementing strategies that guarantee a City of Peace for women. Climate Change and DRR The impact of climate change increases poverty and migration, amplifies gender inequalities and social exclusion. The negative effects of extractivism, unsustainable environmental management, impact care tasks, with women playing a leading role, who are essential for their resilience, their participation in mitigation and adaptation programs in the face of the effects of climate change. Sanctuary Cities for Migrants In Latin America there are migrations from Central America, Venezuela, Haiti and caravans from Honduras. In the migratory flow, women with children and even these unaccompanied, face dangers for their human rights. In hostile cities, which do not provide them with services and opportunities, actions to counteract xenophobia and violence, or mechanisms for their integration. It is vital to achieve "sanctuary" cities and migration governance conducive to women of all ages. Finance for Equality Public resources are always limited, to avoid ambiguities, the approach of those required for gender equality must be transversal, to allocate those necessary to close the gaps in gender inequality, most of which affect women more, without neglecting the mens. This should be the result of the current institutional architecture. The Montevideo Strategy is clear: budgets for equality must cover all levels and areas of [the] public policy, regardless of the size or degree of development of the country. PROGRAM (2:30 hours) 1. Inauguration an ambassador of the of the Foreign Ministry of Mexico. 2. Presentation table of the 4 central themes by person in charge by thematic axis 3. Commentary panel: experts/leaders on core issues 4. Testimony by girls, subnational government authorities, defenders of peace and human rights issues, girls and women with micro-businesses, migrant, rural affected by climate change, community leader in resilience 5. Plenary: comments or questions of participants 6. Conclusions and proposals 7. Closing


OBJECTIVE 1 SECURITY AND CITY IN PEACE: Propose a strategy to build a City of Peace, through a mapping of existing violence from the umbrella of human rights with a gender perspective, as well as the use of different instruments and global platforms of Peace and security. OBJECTIVE 2 CLIMATE CHANGE AND IDRM: Mainstream gender, intercultural and rights perspectives in actions to reduce climate change; reduce greenhouse gas emissions and move towards a low-carbon economy, without extractivism, reduce vulnerability and strengthen mitigation and adaptation in the population, ecosystems and production systems in the face of climate change. OBJECTIVE 3 SANCTUARY CITIES FOR MIGRANTS: Promote debate on the migration crisis in Latin America and the urgency of having a roadmap to forge sanctuary cities for migrants, with emphasis on the protection of women and girls, in rescuing the work carried out by them by addressing the migratory crisis and forging a city model for a safe life and well-being for women and girls. OBJECTIVE 4 FINANCES FOR EQUALITY: Expose the centrality of finances to face: the multiple crises that afflict us, economic, financial, debt, environmental, care, migratory; overcome the ravages of the pandemic accompanied by austerity policies and point out that active fiscal policies in the recovery of advanced countries are the way to reduce the existing social and gender inequality gaps.

Session speakers

Ms. Magdalena García Hernández
Bufete de Estudios Interdisciplinarios AC, of the Constituent Group of Women's Partners of GAP (General Assembly of Partners),, member of the SAGE
Ms. Olenka Ochoa Berreteaga
FEMUM ALC/UrbanThinkersCampus Peru. Coordinator of the Habitat-Peru Group
Ms. Cecilia Martínez Leal
World Resources Institute Mexico (WRI), and permanent guest of the Civil Society to the National Council of Public Security, Mexico
Mr. Enrique Ortiz Flores
Former president and member of the Council of Wise Men
International Habitat Coalition for Latin America
Natalia Servín Huerta
13 year old girl
Junior high school