Independent | Writer & Consultant
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that urban areas must continually adapt to challenges in an integrated and holistic manner. At the same time, such shocks and threats can be catalysed to transform societies.
Urban resilience to climate change has gained momentum recently. Now it is important to examine new ways to increase successful practices to support cities, especially in small island developing states, less developed countries and low- and middle-income countries. Many are highly vulnerable to climate shocks and crises, but have limited internal capacities and resources.
On the other hand, the criticality of urban and climate resilience has gained awareness and momentum. What is imperative now is to think and work in new ways to upscale successful practices to support cities, especially in SIDS, LDCs and LMICs which face high exposure and vulnerability, governance deficits and limited existing internal capacities and resources.
Resilience building should drive towards, safeguard, and sustain development goals. This transformative resilience holds the potential to turn the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic into opportunities for growth and innovation that addresses existing challenges in cities, particularly for urban “weak spots” such as slums and informal settlements that disproportionately suffer from the impacts of climate change and natural disasters.
Independent | Writer & Consultant
Ministry of Urban Development | Joint Secretary
UNDRR | Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR
Mayor of Tunis
Government of Jakarta, Indonesia
Government of Iraq | Deputy Minister of Planning for Technical Affairs
UNDP | Head of the Disaster Risk Reduction, Recovery for Building Resilience
IFRC | Special Representative of IFRC Secretary General (SRSG)
Regional Government of Catalonia | Director of Urban Agenda and Digital Nation
European Commission | Deputy Director-General, International Partnerships
Municipality of Medellin | Chief of Urban Planning