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Incorporating Technologies in the Long Term Practical Strategies for Cities in the Technological Race for a Sustainable Future

Rodrigo Perpétuo


date November 6, 2024 | 17:00 - 18:30
SDGs in Action - room C
Institute of Planning and Management of Cities - IPGC
SDG-C 10


The Workshop is a synergistic partnership between ICLEI South America and IPGC. This intensive one-day meeting is dedicated to equipping municipal leaders, urban planners, technology innovators and sustainable development stakeholders with effective and practical strategies for integrating climate mitigation technologies into urban structures. Amid the global urgency for climate action, the workshop seeks to act as a catalyst for sustainable urban transformations, exploring best practices for fostering public-private partnerships (PPPs), accessing innovative financing and implementing effective concession models.
The core of the workshop focuses on exploring mechanisms such as climate funds and PPPs to embrace investments and these technologies. Impact assessment, an indispensable tool in any urban planner's toolbox, will also be highlighted. The day will culminate in a collaborative solution design session, where participants will be challenged to apply their learnings to the development of technological solutions to specific urban challenges. This activity not only solidifies the knowledge acquired, but also promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, a cornerstone of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Through dialogue, collaboration and innovation, the workshop aims to equip participants with the tools and knowledge they need to transform their cities into bastions of sustainability, aligned with the SDGs and ready to face the climate challenges of the 21st century.


Promote adaptive and resilient solutions for urban centers, offering replicable models in cities around the world, with a view to ensuring sustainable development in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Present IPGC's expertise in developing innovative solutions in the context of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), highlighting its ability to foster strategic collaborations between the public and private sectors to promote sustainable development.

In addition, highlight the Aurassure Project, which uses advanced technology to improve cities' ability to respond effectively to climate change, strengthening urban resilience and environmental management.

Highlight the “Climate Compliance” pathway, developed by ICLEI, as a tool to guide local governments in sustainable, low-carbon and climate-resilient development, offering resources for the implementation of robust policies aimed at combating and preventing the climate crisis.

Present the “Re-Ciclo” platform as a model for a free recyclable materials collection service in Fortaleza, which connects waste pickers with residents interested in recycling, promoting greater dignity, safety and speed for waste pickers through the use of electric tricycles. Expand the “Re-Ciclo” project to other areas of the city, considering the positive impacts generated on recycling rates and increased income for waste pickers, as evidenced in the regions where the project has already been implemented.


Institute of Planning and Management of Cities - IPGC
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

Session panelists

Mr. Thiago Grego
Institute for Planning and Management Cities - IPGC
Mr. Not confirmed yet Not confirmed yet
Onu-Habitat representative
ONU Habitat Mesoamerica
Ms. not confirmed yet not confirmed yet
Fortaleza representative
Planning Institute of Fortaleza City Hall
Mr. Maryke van Staden
Director of carbonn Climate Center ICLEI