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Presentation of the Book Summae Of Urban Legislation

Claudia Ponce Sanchez


date November 8, 2024 | 10:30 - 11:30
Urban Library - room A
CJUR International Association of Urbanistic Jurisprudence
UL-A 23


The event aims to bring together experts from the social sector, authorities and judges specialized in urban legislation within the framework of the presentation of the Summae Book of Urban Law, with a Latin American focus, convened by the National Center for Urban Legal Studies of Mexico.
Based on the topics addressed by the Summae, the configuration of a new urban legal science for Latin America and the Caribbean will be proposed, focused on 3 axes: Legal Urbanism of Human Rights, Comprehensive Vision of Territory and Urbanism, and Urban Social Justice.
All within the framework of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, SDG 11, the Right to the City, the Right to Housing, the Environment, and the Right to the Living Minimum.
The Summae of Urban Law, constitutes an academic work where the author Urban Lawyer Pablo Aguilar González, specialist in Latin American Urban Legislation, develops the major themes of the new legal urbanism of the 21st Century based on the Mexican experience and with a focus on application in Latin America:
The Right to the City, Urban, metropolitan and regional Planning, constitutional and legal jurisdiction systems in urban matters; the management processes of planning permits and licenses, urban resilience, the environmental and climatic implications of urban planning, the legal defense of cultural heritage and the processes of urban discipline and sanction, all within the framework of the New Urban Agenda, international treaties in matters of human rights, and the realization of the SDGs in urban centers. Thus, in this experience, the speakers will discuss the challenges, opportunities, learning and knowledge to replicate the contents of a new paradigm of legal science from the local level to face global problems, at a regional, subnational or international level, that allow responding to the climate and survival crisis facing humanity:
human rights crisis, crisis in urban democracy and crisis of collective justice.


key objectives:
Present a new vision of the Law regulating human settlements in Mexico, with a Latin American focus.
Develop the contents of the new paradigm of legal science that the author exposes:
a) The Right to the City as a comprehensive urban-environmental right.
b) The comprehensive vision of the study of legal urbanism: as an integrator of the environmental, urban, cultural, social and civil.
c) The application of a legal approach of layers and sublayers to analyze and study the territory.
d) The multidimensional consideration of the territory as an object of legal regulation: soil, subsoil, waters, cosmic space.
e) The application of an interdisciplinary and multisectoral method to study urban planning
f) The interconnection between the New Urban Agenda, the SDGs, international instruments on human rights to interpret and apply the norms of urban legislation.
Discuss the bases of the creation of continental urban jurisprudence based on cases and conflicts resolved in the courts.
Raise the regulatory contents of urban planning with a human rights approach.
Provide tools for the creative and legal solution of urban conflicts.

Session panelists

Ms. Paula Garcia Villegas
Magistrada Federal
Poder Judicial de la Federacion
Ms. Javier Sandoval Felix
International Researcher
Association of Urbanistic Jurisprudence CJUR
Mr. Hiram Jimenez
Centro Nacional de Estudios Juridico Urbanos
Ms. Nelson Saule Junior
Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanistico