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Urban Ephemera

Paritosh Goel


date November 6, 2024 | 16:30 - 17:30
Urban Library - room A
UL-A 13


Inspired by the Taipei Ephemera project which we did in Taiwan Reference (, we aim to create a temporal map installation that transcends spatial boundaries and delves into the heart of cities.

Our Urban Library (Ephemera) invites all WUF-12 participants to explore the ephemeral essence of urban life through a collage of memories, objects, and emotions. During this immersive event, participants will contribute their own ephemera—those fleeting, everyday artefacts that often go unnoticed. These could be plane tickets, street food wrappers, postcards, or any other collectible memorabilia. By assembling these fragments, we’ll collectively weave a subjective tapestry of the city—a City that exists not only in physical streets but also in our hearts and imaginations. Guided by two fundamental questions—“What makes City-a City?” and “Where (or what element) makes you feel at home in your city?”—participants will cut, pile, connect, and embellish ephemera.

Through this creative process, we’ll celebrate the transient beauty of urban life, capturing moments that define City’s soul.

We propose this as we transform the Urban Library into a space of shared narratives, where the mundane becomes extraordinary, and the ephemeral leaves an indelible mark.

What Is Urban Ephemera?
Urban ephemera encompasses those fleeting, everyday objects that weave the fabric of our cities—the crumpled metro ticket, a boarding pass from the last trip, the handwritten note left on a café table or the faded concert flyer etc.
These seemingly insignificant artefacts carry memories, emotions, and stories.
They are the whispers of urban existence—the moments that define a city’s soul.

Our Vision:
to create a temporal map installation: "The Urban Ephemera", which will engage with all World Urban Forum participants as they can contribute to their own ephemera.

These could be:
Plane Tickets: The journey that brought them here.
Street Food Wrappers: The taste of a bustling market.
Postcards: Sentiments captured in ink.
Collectible Memorabilia: Tokens of personal significance, visiting cards, flyers, carry bag from their own country/city etc or anything which they would like to paster in collective map which we will produce in the event.

Through this collaborative process, we’ll weave a subjective tapestry—a mosaic of memories, emotions, and cultural fragments. Each participant becomes an artist, cutting, piling, connecting, and embellishing ephemera.

Together, we celebrate the transient beauty of urban life, by the panel discussion about Urbandose, along with the Residency Project in Kyoto Japan and relevant work of National Monuments Authority, India and Safetipin.


Engage Participants in Urban Exploration: Encourage participants to explore the ephemeral essence of urban life through memories, objects, and emotions, fostering a deeper connection to cities beyond their physical aspects.

Create a Collective Temporal Map Installation: Develop a temporal map installation titled "The Urban Ephemera" that transcends spatial boundaries and represents the collective experiences and stories of participants at the World Urban Forum (WUF-12).

Celebrate Transient Beauty: Celebrate the transient beauty of urban life by capturing moments, memories, and emotions that define a city's soul, highlighting the unique and often overlooked aspects of urban existence.

Encourage Participation and Collaboration: Invite participants to collectively weave a subjective tapestry representing diverse cultural fragments and personal experiences.

Transform the Urban Library into a Space of Shared Narratives: Transform the Urban Library into a dynamic space where mundane objects become extraordinary, fostering shared narratives, connections, and reflections on what makes a city unique and what elements make individuals feel at home in their cities.

Promote Creativity and Artistic Expression: Encourage participants to engage in creative processes such as cutting, piling, connecting, and embellishing ephemera, turning each participant into an artist


Traveling circus of urbanism
For Cities

Session panelists

Ms. Mariko Sugita
Urbanist and Co-Founder
For Cities
Ms. Reem Halaseh
SDG Integration and Urban Specialist
Ms. Vernika Gupta
Conservation Architect
National Monuments Authority India
Ms. Neeruja Gupta
Urban Designer