UN-Habitat Syria | Head of Programme
In an urbanizing world, the impact of climate change, natural disasters, pandemics, conflict and war is increasingly urban. Urban crises result in the destruction of neighbourhoods, infrastructure and urban economies, which goes hand in hand with massive displacement of populations both within cities, across territories and national boundaries.
Urban recovery requires not just a focus on places suffering physical damage but also on places hosting the displaced. Work at different levels is needed from the neighbourhood, to city-level and sub-regions. The session will draw on practices from a wide range of countries and reflect on what will be key elements to urban recovery in Ukraine, in complement to national level reconstruction plans.
Making the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus Work
UN-Habitat Syria | Head of Programme
GIZ´s Department Global and Sector Programs (GloBe) | Director of the Division Crisis and Conflict Management, Migration, Construction
World Bank | Global Director, Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice
IOM | Deputy Director General for Operations
UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science | Secretary General
Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality | Mayor
Mayor of Quelimane, Mozambique
Urban Development, Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) | Head of Section
UN-Habitat | Emergency Response Director
UN-Habitat | Consultant
Minister of Communities and Territories, Ukraine
Directorate of Spatial Planning and Architecture of the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories | General Director